After the potty we headed over to the corral we planned to start in (10:01 - 11:30). We felt this was a safe place to be considering the pace we've maintained for our long runs during our training.
I originally had hoped to race at a 10:30 pace per mile but was being realistic and said that I would be happy with an 11 min/mil pace.
My biggest hope was to finish around 2:30 but at least under 2:45.
I was unable to find any of my running buddies before the race. I knew tons of people (like 6000) had registered for the event but I guess you don't really realize what that many people look like until the are crammed all together across the road at the start line! lol I knew Terri was hoping to PR so she would be ahead of me and Melissa had mentioned 13 min/miles because of the hilly course. I had no idea if I would even see Kelsey because I figured she had marathon team stuff going on before the race. I wasn't sure if she would be running with her team or solo but knew that I would see everyone after the race at some point! So, I relaxed and the gun sounded!!!
I hit my Garmin as soon as we were crossing over the pad at the start. Around the first mile or so the lovely Kelsey appeared right by my side and said, "Hey girl!" I was so excited. We ran "together" the next few miles on/off and would yell the occasional "You look great. Good job! Keep it up." to each other.
Miles 1-4.5 (ish)
We ran these at a comfy 10:15-10:30 min/mile pace. We had talked about walking the hill up Neyland Dr onto Kingston Pike but once we got there we still felt really good. I told hubby, "I'm running until I can't anymore. I want to take this hill if I can." I saw a sign as we approached the hill that said, Embrace the suck! Well what better motivation do ya need to conquer a hill than that!!? Two medic golf cart guys drove passed us and I thought Thank goodness I won't need those guys! Around mile 4.5 we ended up taking a walk break because hubby had an issue with his amphipod flying off his belt! Oops. I probably started back running before he was ready but there were just SO many people and I didn't want them to have to dodge me like I was having to dodge them when they took walk breaks.
Miles 4.5-7
As we approached Cherokee Trail in Sequoyah Hills we decided to run on the gravel trail in the middle to avoid all the people! Smart move. It was easier on our knees and we didn't have to dodge a single person. There is one killer hill in there and we walked a brief part of it up before picking up our pace and running again. Somewhere in SH we spotted a familiar face. There was some great chalk graffiti on the road ways and every time I saw Go mom! or You can do it! I got a little teary again. The people in the neighborhoods cheering on the runners were great. Lots of great signs, ringing of cowbells and the awesome Kate with her little pot and wooden spoon was fantastic! We had already decided that we would walk the hill at Noelton (around mile 7) so that we could refuel and save our legs. Hubby took a GU and I just drank some water. We ran a short part of it (to like the 2nd driveway or something..haha) and briskly walked the rest. I laughed on the inside about all the Free beer being offered at the homes going up Noelton. Can you imagine a beer break during a half/full marathon??
Miles 8-11
This part of the race was my fave. It was ran on the greenway that I did a lot of my training on. It is beautiful. I imagined the greenway would be very crowded but to my surprise we weren't really having to dodge many people at all. It was smooth running. Around mile 9 I saw this woman in gold sequins and a curly red headed wig jump onto the course and I said to hubby, "What is this woman doing?" He just giggled and she said, "Kim it's me!!!" And I was still drawing a blank. All I could say was, "What is up with the wig??" And then I realized, "OHHHH It's Kate!" HA! She and Ashley were THE BEST spectators on the course. Kate took the following pics....
If it looks like I was enjoying the run and having a good time it is because I WAS!!! My body was completely in tune with running on Sunday. We refueled around mile 9 or so and after the fun pics kept on going. We decided if we took another walk break it would be at mile 11. Mile 11 was another uphill....
Miles 11 - 13.1
We saw the 11 mile marker and began to slow to a walk, or so I thought. Hubby had completely stopped. To stretch, only he didn't seem to want to move again. I was in the groove, in fact I think I was just trotting along rather than running or walking and felt good enough to just tackle the hill, turn and tackle the next hill up to Ft. Sanders. But he was stopped. I admit that I was ticked off. He knows this too. He knew I was not sympathetic to his hamstring cramp (or whichever muscle it was). I
Once Neyland Stadium was in sight we knew we were SO close. I looked at my Garmin and knew we were totally going to make the goal. One more little slow down so we could power through at the end and we were off. A cheer from a friend of hubby's and I began to blubber...AGAIN!
Seriously, I thought I was going to hyperventilate when I saw the 13 mile marker. I was gasping for breath and fighting back tears. Then my man grabbed my hand and said, "Come on. We are almost there. It's just through the tunnel." Tears. You would've thought I was having a new baby or something.
When we entered the stadium I do not even know what was going through my mind. I was still gasping to breathe, not from running so hard but to keep from having an emotional breakdown. It sounds crazy but this was a huge moment for me. I trained hard. Hubby could see the clock. I'm not sure I even looked up to see it. He said, "Let's go fast! We can beat 2:30!" I think I told him he may have to drag me because I thought I was going to explode from the emotions!
As we crossed the pad his hands went up, mine went up and bam! 2:29:44. I grabbed my medal, thanked the volunteer and let the tears come.
We did it. I did it. I ran a half marathon. Another 13.1 miles in the running log. And we met our time goal. I could not have asked for a more perfect day. The only thing at all that I regret is not telling my family about looking for us on the jumbo tron or even looking up at it to see myself. I hope I smiled at some point but if not I am happy to say I haven't really stopped smiling since.