If you follow me on DailyMile you may have noticed that during the month of March I participated in a challenge TallMom started, which was to run 93 miles in March.
I quickly signed up for the challenge because in February I ran 88 miles and knew that with my half marathon training and March being a longer month than February that 93 miles was totally possible for me to run. It was only 3 miles a day. And yes, I totally said that! ONLY 3 miles?? haha
It's funny how when you (or I) started adding in longer runs (beyond 7-8 miles at a time) that running 3 miles seems like a walk in the part, usually. Not all runs are easy even if they are 3 miles but when you look at 3 miles compared to 10, well obviously 3 is easier!
Anyway, I did not run every single day as can be seen by my training schedule. And I won't go into the details of that because I am sure you'd be bored to death! ha
I am proud to announce that in the month of March I ran a total of 95 miles!! I went over the challenged miles by 2 thanks to my little 3 mile run yesterday. I am very pleased with my progress for March. I'm not sure that April will see as many miles on the schedule but I do plan to keep on running after my half marathon this weekend.
Stay tuned for April goals! Have a great Friday!