>1. You still have time to get in on my giveaway. Go HERE to get the full details. But the summary is, I am giving away Run Like a Mother (the book). AND because those ladies are more awesome than I even said they were I will be giving away TWO books. Somehow Dimity McDowell (one of THE RLAMers..seriously!!!) got word that I was giving away their awesome book and said she felt bad that I spent my own $ to buy the book and give it away so they were having their publicist send one to me for the giveaway! Hello!?! I'm just a small town girl with a blog and a pair of running shoes!! I was like totally on cloud 9. See for me those ladies are like any other celebrity! Anyhooooo, now there are two books up for grabs so go tell all your awesome friends about this little blog of mine and the great giveaway! :)
2. I registered for the Covenant Health Knoxville Half Marathon a few days ago. I will be running 13.1 miles in April. Holy cow!! ME??? 13.1 miles??? Crazy, I know. Thankfully my hubby will be by my side. I'm glad he let me talk him into this. AND I am proud of myself for being committed to the training. I chose a 10 week training plan and am now on week 4 with 2 more runs for the week ahead of me (3 miles today, 8 miles Sat). So far everything is going well. There are 10 weeks until the half marathon and 6 weeks left of my training. So, if I have to repeat a week I think I am all good. Any experienced runners are welcome to give me advice. I am lucky to have a great support system and awesome running pals to get me through my training.
3. Tomorrow is my hour long personal training session. It will be the first one I have ever had. I am excited and nervous. I have done so much exercising this week that I hope I can hang for the full hour. And I hope that the workout doesn't kill me to the point I won't be able to make my run a good one on Saturday. But I also hope that the workout I am given will give me the results I hope to see before summer..and yeah maybe that isn't enough time but one can hope, right!?