Wednesday, January 12, 2011

>Cabin Fever

>After a few days cooped up in the house I finally busted out and came to work today. It is so peaceful and quiet in my office. All I hear is the humming of the heater under my desk and the tap tap tap of my fingers on the keyboard.

I LOVE the snow. I really do. We have had a great time playing in it (and running) but the sitting around inside was beginning to wear on me and I felt as though I was getting a case of the blahs. Yesterday I got to thinking about my half marathon training schedule and Tall Mom's 1000 mile Club realizing that I am way behind on my miles for the year so far. I didn't have a run scheduled as part of my training plan yesterday but on Tues/Thurs I like to go to BodyPump classes at my gym. Because of the weather classes had been cancelled and I also knew I would not be going out to town to the gym anyway. So....

While hubby and the kids were "playing school" and cooking dinner I decided to see what I could find on ExerciseTV to do. I ended up doing 30 minutes or so of some pilates and yoga as well as some arm/shoulder exercises with dumbells. It wasn't the workout I would have liked to have done and it was not the cardio I needed but I did get some activity in to take away the guilt of sitting around so much!

Today is a different story! I busted outta the house leaving my poor hubby alone with my rowdy kiddos and came to work. I packed my healthy snacks and lunch for the day as well as my gym bag. The calendar calls for a 4 mile run today and I am looking forward to that! I have new running shoes to break in and pent up energy to get out. I didn't pack my cold weather running gear so that I could run outside so tonight's run will be on the treadmill but I have a plan (thanks to my friend, Terri for giving me some hints on what she's been doing on the treadmill) and hopefully it will go well for me like it has her!

The only thing I am not fond of with running on the treadmill is not being able to use my Garmin. I love coming in from a run and plugging my Garmin in to see the stats of my run. It is so much more exciting than looking at the stats from the treadmill. But I will make do and I did pack my Garmin just in case because if I feel the need to get outside I can always have my awesome hubby bring some cold weather running attire. We will see.

What are you doing to stay active in this cold weather or to keep cabin fever from getting you down?