>So, if you have been in the running world of blogland long enough I am sure you have heard of Tall Mom and if you haven't then I urge you to click the link and check out her blog. Amazing woman, runner, mom, wife...the list goes on. She held a little challenge of sorts last year and is once again challenging runners (walkers, swimmers, bikers and such) to log 1000 (+++) miles in 2011.
In 2010 I ran a total of 531 miles. A far cry from 1000? Yes. A challenge? Yes. Doable? Yes.
The real question is can *I* do it? I sure hope so. I am definitely going to TRY my best. Tall Mom broke things down here as far as the yearly/monthly/weekly/daily miles to achieve the 1000 goal.
But just in case you decide to not go check it out....
1,000/12 months in a year= 83.33 Miles per month
1,000/52 weeks in a year= 19.23 Miles per week
1,000/365 days in a year= 2.74 Miles per day
So, how am I doing so far?
Well, you know (or you might not) that I have another big (to me) goal for 2011 and that is to run my first half marathon. That being said I do think I will come much closer to making 1000 miles this year than I did last year. :)
This week's schedule
Mon- BodyPump @ 6am and 3 miles ran (outside 6PM) 30:56 at 10:19 min/mile pace
Tues - rest due to 1. being sick and 2. a meeting
Weds - 3 miles ran (treadmill) 29:39 at 9:53 min/mile pace
Thurs - 3 miler plus weights
Fri- cross train/weights
Sat - 4 miles
Now, you can see in looking at this week's schedule I will not make the suggested 19.53 miles for the week, BUT in the coming weeks my milage will be increasing on both my short and long runs. So, I am hoping by mid year I will get a good feel of where I stand with milage. Of course any amount of miles over 531 for 2011 will have me excited because that will be more than I accomplished in 2010. :)
If you are interested in adding miles to your running/biking/swimming this year click the button in my sidebar and join the club. Happy running!!!!