Hubby and I were to run together but there was a bump in the road and I ended up running solo. I was nervous about that since I had never actually started or finished a race by myself. Yes, there were hundreds of other runners out there with me but what I mean by alone is that I didn't have a running buddy there with me.
Normally for a race I will start with hubby or a friend and of course we might lose each other along the way because my buddies all tend to be faster than me! But I know at the end my buddy has finished and is waiting for me and that keeps me going. So, I was nervous that I wouldn't have someone on the course with me to keep me going.
This was me at the start. See the look on my face?
That's nerves!
Technically I wasn't alone. lol
See, what happened was we got up early (6am) and took our time getting ready. The night before I had laid out all of my racing gear (shoes, Ipod, clothes, etc) so that all I had to do was shower and get dressed. On the way out the door I grabbed my fuel and was out the door. We left the house about 7am for an 8am race start which gave us about 30 minutes of wait time once we got there. Upon pulling in the parking lot we fueled up and hubby got out of the car to go to the back to get his shoes. That was when I heard,
"Well, crap, I won't be running today."
Panic set in me and all I could say was, "Justin!!!"
To which my sweet hubby thought I was mad and that brought on a whole new prerace event that I could have done without. So, I got out of the car a few minutes later and made the trek alone uphill to the start.
I cannot even describe the emotions I was going through at this point because my head was all a fog. I was fiddling with my Ipod trying to get myself hooked up and of course I was struggling because my hubby usually gets all my wiring in place for me.
That's when I felt him walk up behind me and start helping me. Tears. And that is why my face is red in the picture. I was still trying to fight back those tears so hard. I was nervous, I was relieved, I was scared, I was bummed and yet I was so happy!
And then the biggest flag you ever saw was raised from the ladder of KFD and the National Anthem sang.A runners mark was called, the gun fired and we were off.
I was doing this. Alone, but with hundreds of other fellow runners.
I was doing this but my wonderful hubby would be at the finish line waiting on me.
And with that I didn't feel alone. I was off and before I knew it a mile had been ran and I looked down to see only a short 10 minutes had passed.
I don't really know what I was thinking along the way but I just ran. I barely slowed down at the hydration station for water but grabbed a cup going by. I am not sure that any of it actually got in my mouth but I do know I wore some of it on my shirt! I slowed down just before the 2 mile mark because there was an enormous hill and I wanted to give myself plenty of energy to run as much from mile 2 to the end of the course. I hit the 2 mile mark around 21 minutes and felt really strong.
I kept telling myself that I was good on time and all that I wanted to do was PR and a new PR was anything under 36 minutes. So when I came to just before the 3 mile mark and my watch showed me at about 32 minutes I was happy. The end was end sight and downhill. At that point I picked my pace up tremendously and ran like I never ran before.
At that point I could actually see my husband and the clock and I was stoked.
33 minutes....keep on pushing, hard!
I did. I gave it my absolute all.
When I crossed the last time I remembered seeing was 33:54. I was under my goal (that I had in my head) of 34 minutes but definitely a new PR (by a long shot, if you ask me). And I can't recall ever being happier!
My husband was there to meet me and I high fived him. I went to get my timing chip removed and was on a mad hunt for water and a place to sit! haha
We hung around for the awards mainly out of curiosity. I competed in the Athena Division for this race which is women over 150 lbs. I figured I didn't really stand much of a chance, but ya never know. The first and second place finishers in that division were done in 31 minutes so at that point I was thinking , well poo I didn't even come close. BUT then I heard them say 33:5...and I had a glimmer of hope in me until I heard 33:57 and the woman's name. Bummer man! She beat me by ONE second. ONE measly second. So, all weekend I have been telling myself, "If I had just kicked up harder a lot sooner." Or "If I had not slowed my pace down on that hill." But I know I did well. I mean I finished 4th in that division out of 15 runners. I finished 266 out of 434 runners overall for the 5k. And had I ran in my age group I would have finished 20 out of 37. Overall, I did not do shabby! And I am still proud even 4 days later. :)
I'm ready for the next race!