>Did you happen to catch Jillian Michael's new show this week? A quote from her has been stuck in my head all week...
"Trying is like planning to fail."
My husband and I both immediately said we loved that. After watching Losing It on Tuesday night I went to bed and thought more about this quote. I came up with a great blog post and had planned to write a post on Wednesday but life happens and things didn't go as planned. And of course here I sit trying to come up with something as equally good to write! ha.
Well, the quote makes sense to me. Trying is like planning to fail.
Often I find myself not really setting goals but saying, "I am going to TRY to do this or do that this month." And you know what, I often do NOT make it. Why? Because trying to achieve something is just not good enough. DOING is what will get results.
Trying to make it to the gym at least 4 days a week is not good enough. I WILL make it 4 days a week because I won't make excuses. I will just do it.
Trying to eat more veggies and fruit daily is not good enough. I WILL pre-plan my meals and pack my food at night. No excuses, no being too tired, no waiting until bedtime to remember that I said I would try... I will just do it.
Trying to eat better on the weekends is not good enough. I WILL eat better every day of the week. Period.
Trying to lose 5 lbs before I leave for vacation on June 19th... haha well no promises there but I am going to bust my tail to make sure I don't gain! :)
So, my goals for June:
-gym 4 days a week
-more veggies/fruit
-stay on plan on weekends
-lose 5lbs
There you have it! And you have heard me say no trying. DOING. I will succeed.