Do you journal? I have half heartedly journaled my food and workout routines since beginning but have yet to keep up with hit and make it a daily thing. Typicall it is something I do while at work on a yellow post it note just so I can keep track with my points for the day. Great system, huh!? lol Well, yesterday my Awesome Friend, B sent a package in the mail. My heart fluttered when my hubby called to tell me I got a package. I made him open it right away because it was going to be a good hour and half before I was home. I am impatient and cannot wait for surprises! ;) In the package was a pack of pens and a notebook/journal. Hello! Just what I needed. Thanks, B! So, today was the first day of at least 80 (number of pages in the book) that I will journal. I will do this on a daily basis. And YES, I am going on vacation next week. Doesn't matter. I plan to take my pretty pink book and pens with me. Since I won't have the scale with me on vacation to help keep me accountable I will instead use my new journal. -Kettlebells:
Have you ever worked out with kettlebells?It not, you should try them at least once. I suggest NOT attempting to use them on your own at first though but have someone experienced in using them show you the correct way to do the exercises. They are an awesome workout. I have used them off and on for a few years. I have about the same kind of love/hate relationship with them as I do interval running. lol They are a killer workout. They really get my adrenaline flowing. Seriously. My husband has been using them for several years and they have done wonderful things for his body. While he hasn't lost weight (as in pounds on the scale) he has toned up so much so that people constantly ask him how much weight he has lost. Anyway, last night after my interval running I did a few kettlebell exercises. My body feels every single rep today. All of them! And really that is a good thing. I did plie squats with upright rows using a kettlebell last night rather than using the rowing machine. Hello! When I first used the rowing machine my hubby asked me the next morning how I felt. Not really any different than the morning after most normal workouts. But this morning?? I feel it all over from those kettlebell exercises. I also did woodchopper (not with kettlebell), used the glute machine, and some ab work with a kettlebell. And basically I said all of the above to say... go learn how to use kettlebells!
-Half Marathon:
I have started and stopped training for a half this year. I started and then who knows what happened. I need to start again because I have a goal of running a half marathon before my 32nd birthday. I have been reading Run Less, Run Faster. It is a great book. It has a great program in it. I try to follow the program as much a possible. I do my 5k run, I do an interval run day.. each week. It's that blasted tempo run that gets me. Sometimes I do a long run but have yet to make it past a 10k. I need to step it up. A lot. Any advice with how to just DO IT would be appreciated. I know some of you are seasoned marathoners.. so you must have something to say about training for a half, right? ;)-Vacation:
I leave tomorrow for my vacation. We will be away from home for 10 days and I could not be anymore excited! I have big vacation plans. I plan to plop my rear in a beach chair by the pool and in the sand and soak up some sun! haha But I have plans to exercise and continue eating healthy as well. The resort has a fitness center and there are roads and beaches that can be ran on. The only problem is that my hubby said all alarm clocks are banned on vacation. What!? Gees. I have never been one to sleep late BUT my hope was to get up and out the door to run before the heat and humidity settled in for the day. Perhaps I can still do that and my body will just wake up by 7 at the latest? Send good vibes for that! haha I'd hate to be stuck running a treadmill all week but if I have to, fine. We are taking our Wii and I plan to pack our EA Sports Active Trainer game so maybe I can do that while breakfast is cooking a few mornings? It's much better than nothing. My goal is to stay within 2 lbs of my weight now. I had hoped to be 175 before leaving for vacation but I don't believe I will drop 3 lbs overnight. So, here I sit at 178. >sigh< It could be worse, I know. I could be 220 like last year when I left for vacation. I'm 42 pounds lighter than last year! There's a silver lining. :)