*thanks Pinterest and Nike for the inspiration
What is strong?
strong /strɔŋ, strɒŋ/ [strawng, strong] adjective, strong·er /ˈstrɔŋgər, ˈstrɒŋ-/ [strawng-ger, strong-] strong·est /ˈstrɔŋgɪst, ˈstrɒŋ-/ [strawng-gist, strong-], adverb adjective
1. having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power; physically vigorous or robust: a strong boy.
2. accompanied or delivered by great physical, mechanical, etc., power or force: a strong handshake; With one strong blow the machine stamped out a fender.
3. mentally powerful or vigorous: He may be old, but his mind is still strong.
4. especially able, competent, or powerful in a specific field or respect: She's very strong in mathematics. He's weak at bat, but he's a strong fielder.
5. of great moral power, firmness, or courage: strong under temptation.
1. mighty, sturdy, brawny, sinewy, hardy, muscular, stout, stalwart. 4. potent, capable, efficient. 5. valiant, brave. 7. bold, intense. 8. persuasive, cogent, impressive, conclusive. 10. steady, firm, secure. 14. unwavering, resolute. 15. fervid, vehement. 18. stark, sharp. 19. brilliant, vivid. 22. pungent, aromatic, sharp, piquant, hot, spicy, biting. 23. smelly, rank.
1. weak.
That's the dictionary meaning of the word strong as provided to me by the most helpful Dictionary.com.
But to me strong is..
[caption id="attachment_866" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="she is sweaty, but she is strong."]
Strong is the girl (aka woman) who has fought for the last 2.5 years to be healthy. Strong is she who has worked her way to losing 75 lbs. Strong is the one who couldn't run a quarter mile if she tried but pushed until she could run 13.1 miles.
The journey has not been easy. It never will be. It will take a strong person to keep going. The journey doesn't have an end though. And while I have been strong on this journey to get to the point that I have I decided that my goal for 2012 is to become stronger physically. I also want to remain strong mentally to get me to my goal. I've accomplished both in the last few years but there is always room for improvement.
Now, the other half...
What is beautiful?
beau·ti·ful /ˈbyutəfəl/ [byoo-tuh-fuhl] adjective
1. having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.
2. excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole; The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.
3. wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.
4. the concept of beauty (usually preceded by the ).
5. ( used with a plural verb ) beautiful things or people collectively (usually preceded by the ): the good and the beautiful.
6. the ideal of beauty (usually preceded by the ): to strive to attain the beautiful.
And the same drill as above, that's the dictionary meaning of beautiful. I spared you the synonyms and antonyms this time. But I will tell you what IS beautiful...
Beautiful is the girl who can smile through a tough workout or long, painful run. Beautiful is the girl who gains confidence through each good day (and the bad ones). Beautiful is the girl who accepts the fact that the girl looking back in the mirror is real and not the girl from her past.
In 2012 I am going to embrace the beautiful but go for the strong.