I polled some "friends" about ideas for blogging. One of the first comments was something along the line of where inspiration comes from when you feel like giving up or quitting. This topic is interesting enough to me because I have been on this whole weight loss/running journey for almost 3 years.
In the beginning this thing was hard. I drew inspiration from other runners, bloggers and the changing number on the scale. It was easy to stay focused with weight loss by seeing my weight go down. Running was hard though. At 237 lbs a woman just shouldn't be running, ya know. But I did. And as I lost weight and the more I ran the easier it got. That was motivation and inspiration enough to keep going. Were there days that I wanted to throw in the towel and just be done? Yes, but I never did. At least not this go round. I had in the past done that but something changed in 2009.
The more I went, the more I wanted to go. Somewhere along the way it became more than a habit and even more than a way of life. It became something I enjoyed, a hobby maybe. The running, that is. The better I become with my running...faster, more miles...the more I want to keep going, to keep improving.
The weight loss, healthy food thing, it isn't easy. It wasn't easy at first and even now it isn't easy. I struggle daily and always have. What I have learned is that I won't deprive myself. Depriving myself of anything I love makes this whole thing feel a lot less like a lifestyle and more like a diet. I don't do diets. If I can't fit it into my day somehow then I don't have it, but mostly I work it in and that means it's a lifestyle. Repetitive? Maybe. ;)
The times that I have felt like giving in usually my hubby is there to push me, to remind me that I've come a long way or too far to stop. Quitting is a sign of weakness and I don't want to be weak.
When I'm alone I struggle. I question why I am doing this.. the running, the healthy life, trying to lose weight. Then I remember my kids... THEY inspire me. What kid doesn't want a mom that will always be around? I think about that. I think about how I am able to run and play with them, get in the floor and wrestle, and take the stairs instead of an elevator with them and not be winded. The old mom couldn't do that. THAT is inspiring.
Friends. Friends who notice my weight loss and say that I am their inspiration for making changes in their own well being. Whether that be with losing weight or running. It thrills me as a runner (yes, I call myself that) when other people ask for tips on running or ask for advice on where to start, how to get faster and various other questions. It makes me feel good knowing I've made a change that is recognizable and that those around me take an interest.
Tell me I can't. If you tell me I can't that's going to motivate and inspire me to work harder and prove that I CAN.
YOU! Yes you, reading this... YOU inspire me. It's because of you that I keep going. I don't want to fail. That's my biggest fear. Failure. SO, if I come here or DailyMile, MFP or Facebook and log my workouts or say I am going to get up at 5am and take my butt to the gym.. I'm going to do it. FOR YOU! I don't want you to see me fail. It motivates me to keep going.
At this point in my journey the very last thing I want to do is quit. When you think about quitting or giving up, don't. Remind yourself about how far you have come.. even if it is only the first step out the door for a run, the gym or whatever.. it's the first step to doing something great for yourself. Even if you only see an ounce of a loss on the scale or even a gain, don't give up. Keep going because the end reward from pressing forward and going for the goal is so much more worth the pain of quitting. Keep your head high, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are worth the pain, sweat and tears.