It started on Sunday when we got home that evening. I was walking into my closet to take off my shoes and jewelry when all of a sudden...aacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk holy cow!! I screamed so loud. This...
was in my foot. About a 3 inch piece of glass a half inch into my left foot. It had to be pulled out. Fun fun times. I cried, a lot. And cried some more. I even said ugly words and the kids were worried because of all the blood. Annabelle was crying because I was crying and at one point I heard her say, "Oh no, now mom will never be able to run again and it's the one thing she loves to do a lot." Bless her.
After my hubby ripped off the tights I was wearing and assessed my foot, I let him help me clean it up and hobbled to my chair. I applogized a million and 87 times for the blood all over the bedroom floor. I also regretted not immediately cleaning up the broken glass when the incident with it first occurred. Dumb I tell ya!
I had not had a tetanus shot for as long as I could remember. In fact, I was probably a kid. So, the next morning I called my doctor's office and explained what happened. They wanted to see me. Fun times. NO stitches, but a tetanus shot and 7 days worth of antibiotics which I still have failed to finishe taking, oops. I was good to go except I was told to stay off of the foot as much as possible to let it heal and prevent injury.
What? No running? Yeah, not for a day or so. Um, ok, fine. It pained me to not run on Monday since I had done so well last week with my early morning workout routine but the pain in my foot was worse I guess. I waited until Tuesday afternoon after work to hit the gym. I ran, it was tough at first due to the swelling and bruising on my foot but I managed to kill a decent 5k and kettlebell workout. 5k ran in 29:30! Sweet.
I finished ALL my workouts for the week just fine. So, basically I am saying I held onto being awesome this week despite my little glass in the foot incident. This time last year I might have let something like this get me down for a week especially if the doctor told me not to be on my foot. But that's the old Kimberly. The new, determined to kick butt and take names Kimberly has goals to reach.
So take that glass!
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