Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The splits.

I was so excited to plug in my Garmin when I got home from my race Saturday night. Sure it was 10pm and I was beyond tired from running plus travel but any time I run the first thing I do when I walk in the door is plug my Garmin in...Saturday was no different. As it loaded I was more and more excited. Check em out....

Mile 1 - 9:50
Mile 2 - 9:45
Mile 3 - 9:41
5K (29:56)
Mile 4 - 10:41
We scaled back and slowed a bit at mile 4 because the hubby 1. had the bum ankle issue and 2. due to asthma and the crazy air in the area felt like he was "breathing through a straw."

Mile 5 - 12:41
This was when my iPod decided to crap out. Nice. I slowed down to try and fix the problem but eventually ended up just walking while I unhooked it and tucked it away. I was not happy. I like running with my music but this was just another test with running and the mental game. My last 13.1 I was able to run without any music at all so this should be just as easy.

Mile 6 - 10:31
Mile 7 - 11:11
We took another walk break here. I ate a few Honey Stinger chews and my honey had a Gu. We grabbed some water and were on our way.

Mile 8 - 11:23
I was ahead of hubby at this point and had stopped on the curb to wait for him. I felt bad for having taken off ahead of him with his bum foot but at the same time I had just been running the whole race based on how I felt. When he caught up to me he told me to just go on and run that he couldn't keep up with me. So I went....

Mile 9 - 10:33
Mile 10 - 10:36
Mile 11 - 10:57
I walked through a water station here and took 2 cups. I debated walking much longer but decided I was too close and my time was too good. So I kept on running...

Mile 12 - 10:06
Mile 13 - 10:08
.23 - 2:21

Overall, I am very pleased with my pace. Even the slower miles were good miles for me. My official overall time was 2:19:43. A distance PR that I am happy to own! Thank you everyone for your support through training! I haven't decided what's next as far as running but I am SO close to my 1000 mile goal for the year so I just plan to keep on running between now and the new year so that I reach that goal!