Monday, November 21, 2011

Inspire Me - Inspire YOU!

My good bloggy friend, Marissa, has started posting an Inspire me series every Monday over on her blog. Today she featured your's truly. I am honored that she thinks enough about me to 1. ask me to participate and 2. finds my story inpiring. My goal through my entire journey has not only been to become healthy for myself and my family but to be an inspiration to just even one person. If I can do that this whole journey is worth it and so much more.

I don't come here to brag on myself. I have a lot farther to go in my journey and even when I reach the goal my journey won't be complete. I have a lifetime of fitness and health ahead of me. I like take each day as another beginning to something great.

Please, head on over to Marissa's blog and check out my post as well as so many other motivational and inspirational stories.
Inspire Me - Week 2 Just click the link and head directly to today's post!
Thanks for letting me share. Be well!!!