I got most my running gear ready Friday night while hubby was away helping coach a football game. I was not awfully psyched up like I usually am the night before a race but I think that has to do with the fact that the race start time was 3pm. It's hard to gauge what to do nutritionally for the day. I of course did what most smart half marathoners do.... hydrated really well days before, ate well all week, and stopped at Subway the morning of the race for an egg white and steak flatbread. What?? You don't do that? ha ok, fine. But what I did next is what came back to bite me.
The hubby likes to have his chocolate. I like chocolate too and went without it all week long thanks to a fab challenge on MFP. So, I had him pick me up my fave chocolate bar. Snickers Peanutbutter. mmm mmm
M for mistake.
The drive to the half marathon was about 2 hours from where we live. I knew about an hour or so after consuming the chocolate that my tummy was not happy. Hubby asked if I needed to stop and I told him no, later. Well later came entirely too quick and we were not able to stop for a while. I'll be danged if when we pulled into the nice Zoomerz shop there wasn't already some chic that beat me into the potty. Dang. Dang. Ohhhh dang. Crap. Literally. I had problems. I was not in and out of the bathroom soon enough. No, I had to wash my running tights (that the hubby told me not to wear for the drive...duh, wish I hadn't now) in the sink. And let me tell you those super sonic hand dryers that act as though they will blow your skin right through the other side of your hand are NOT the best at dring wet running tights. Take my advice... pack extras just in case or you might find yourself in the same crappy (literally) situation. Or maybe you will take Immodium and avoid the can altogether. Some runners (ahem...ME) never learn.
We were on our way and arrived at our race desitination by about noon at which time we had to pick up our lovely race packets and tee shirts. It was also the perfect opportunity to take some pre-race/pre-costume pictures like these...
[caption id="attachment_796" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Only I can look so fly with a dead man's bones! "]
[caption id="attachment_797" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Haunted Half Marathon 13.1 - Wicked Fast!!! "]
There was no expo for this small town race but they have a huge block party, costume contest and live music after the race. We walked around a little while before the race to check things out. We ran into this guy...
[caption id="attachment_798" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Forrest told me, "I just felt like running." Sweet, me too Forrest, me too! "]
He also told me his Jenny was on her way there to run with him. He ended up having more than one Jenny. I don't recall him being so fly with all the ladies. Side note - he ended up winning the individual costume contest! Sweet.
After a few more trips to the potty for me, we decided to run uptown to the local Target. I needed lunch and Immodium. Thank goodness the Immodium kicked in right away. I ate half a peanutbutter sandwich and we headed back to the race location where we all got into "costume" and ready to run. Then you guessed it...more pre-race pics!
[caption id="attachment_799" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Batgirl and Snow White (aka Kelsey @gogirlblog.com)"]
[caption id="attachment_800" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Batgirl and Batman prerace "]
After pics and the potty we headed towards the start line. There was a dance group there performing "Thriller." It was so awesome! Following the dance, we headed to line up. The gun sounded and we were off. Lined up in front of me was a guy that decided to run as the Incredible Hulk...totally painted his body in green paint. Eww. All I could think was how bad that would itch while running and sweating or what a mess it would be in the shower (or next 10 showers) the next day.
The hubby and I started our race together and were keeping at a great pace (under 10 mm) and then at mile 1.5 the first misfortune of the day (for hubby) occurred. There was a huge rock (think the size of a grown man's large first) in the road and he did not see it. He hit it, his ankle turned and I was for sure he was out. I (being the kind soul that I am) got only mildly frustrated at having to slow down (or stop) so early in the race and I did my absolute best to encourage him on as well as make sure he was ok (to keep on running!!!!). He said he would be good and we kept going. Stop, stretch. Ok we are still making good time going into the 3 mile mark. Hubby asked what our pace was and how close we were to 5k. I told him we were maintaining just under a 10 minute mile pace and he told me he would need to slow down to in order to keep going to the end. Ok. We were almost at 5k at which point he wanted to take a short walk break.
5k - 29:56
Holy smokes! This is the first time in any race I had ever hit 5k under 30 minutes. I was stoked. I felt great. I told the hubby I was feeling fantastic and he agreed we could walk at 4 miles but really he was frustrated with me, my speed and how he was feeling. He's asthmatic and we were running near Eastman Chemical company as well as a water treatment plant. Something around the area made it feel (to him) as though he was breathing through a drinking straw. I'm a hardass, I admit it. We had a few choice words with each other. He expressed his frustration with my speed and being slightly inconsiderate of his feelings. I expressed to him how much I loved him by saying, "I cannot believe a guy your size would be acting like such a pansy." I'm a real keeper. So glad he sees all the best in me. ;)
In all seriousness, before anyone leaves the blog... the hubby and I seem to always have a spat midrun. It's what we do. Adrenaline and all.
We approached mile 5 and slowed to take a breather walk for the hubby. At that point my iPod decided to crap out. I had had about enough crap for one day and now my iPod was screwed. I never could get it to quit messing around so I stopped and unstrapped it, put it in my belt and went on running. Not happy at all about the fact that mile 5 was now a 12 minute mile. Picked up the pace, went on with running and was at 10k by 1:05. I ate a few Honey Stinger chewsand hubby took a Gu. Hubby was still hanging with me as best he could and we had gotten over our running differences. Between mile 6-8 (I can't remember the exact time) he told me to go on and race, "You're my lady and I love you. See you at the finish," he said. And I was on my way.
Running. Thinking. Running.
And before I knew it I was at mile 10 at about 1:42. Flying (for me). The cape must have been making me fast. Honestly, speaking of my cape, I never even knew it was there. There was a time or two I would look over my shoulder and could see the shadow of my cape. It was flapping in the wind. So cool. Speaking of cool...it was a windy day. Running into mile 10 was tough as the wind was right at my face.
I don't remember a lot between mile 10-11 except that I walked through a water stop and took 2 cups of water.
Thanked the kind man at the Army table for volunteering and ran on my little way. I looked at my Garmin and knew I had this race in the bag, PR or not I was close to finishing. 2 more miles.
Still feeling really well I ran maintaining just over a 10 min/mile pace. There was a cute little girl there to cheer on her mom. I remembered hearing her and her dad around mile 6 "GO mommy go!" and got a bit teary eyed when I heard her little voice again at mile 11 and then around the corner at mile 12. Her mom was just behind me in orange and black sporting some cool Vols knee socks. Hearing that sweet little voice encouraged me to keep trucking along. I remember at about mile 12 saying, "Thank you, Jesus for taking my legs this far. One more mile. We got this."
I debated slowing down to a walk to gain momentum but I felt the wind at my back and picked up the pace. One mile. Half a mile. I thought maybe at that point I could make it in 2:18 but didn't really care. I wasn't there for a PR (even though hubby thinks that's what it was about), I was there for a fun race and so far this race had it's fun parts and it's less than fun parts but I was determined to make the last .25 mile fun. Go legs go.
I would hear all the cheering as I approached the finish. A sweet little boy in a Captain America costume slid his hand out and high fived me. Rock on. I was finished.
A 13.1 mile PR!!!
I collected my medal, grabbed 2 cups of water and headed back out to the course (knees aching) to find my amazing hubby. At my last half marathon (earlier this month) he had been there to run by my side, take pictures and see me finish. It was my turn to capture his finishing moment and boy was glad when I saw him especially since I wasn't sure he hadn't bombed out due to his foot or the breathing issues. I captured his moment..
[caption id="attachment_801" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Here comes Batman (2:30)"]
Every single time I have ran and crossed a huge finish line, I've cried. I didn't this time. There were no tears until I met back with hubby. At that point I fought back tears as I said, "I love you. I'm proud of you! Now go!" Even though we had the little flub-up early in the race we got over. He ran, I ran. We finished. At the end of the day he is still my #1 supporter and me his. I'm glad he was there with me at the start, during and we were together again for the finish even if it was at different times.
The post race food was the bomb. BBQ sandwiches! Yes, please....
[caption id="attachment_802" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="I'm the cheesiest post race poser! ;) "]
We decided not to hang out for the post race festivities. I was freezing and ready to get in the car and crank up the heat. Hubby was cramping up all over and ready to get home. Kelsey had a rockin' Halloween party to get to. We were just a bundle of post race fun, I tell ya. But we did some more picture posing on our way to the car...
[caption id="attachment_803" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Post race medal posin' "]
And if you've read here long enough you know I don't race and not take part in post race cupcakes....
[caption id="attachment_804" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mmm mini cupcakes! "]
If you stuck with me and read this start to finish, YOU ROCK!
I will also blog my overall thoughts about the race. I will also blog my mile splits this week.
As for the title... when I came out of the bathroom gas station with my Nike track pants that I had worn over my running tights I got in the car and told hubby and K that my running tights were a real pain in the butt to put on wet and they were soaked, I was freezing. The hubby turned to me and said, "I will not be changing your diapers when we are old and senile." Thanks for the love, babe.
And that my friends is how I run 13.1