I had told Julie beforehand that when I was in my running groove I was just there. I had to go and would likely tune out anything around me. Is that what a runner's high is? lol Anyway, I guess this is what happened within a few minutes of the race. I had no idea how far ahead of Julie and her sister that I was but my goal was to just run the race based on how I felt. And I felt great at that point. I made the first turn left and kept hearing "Watch out for the speed bumps," so I decided to leave my music out still. I wanted to make sure I didn't get tripped up so early in the race. haha
I don't even recall the first mile. The course was pretty and I felt great. I took water with Nuun in my Nathan handheld even though there were several water stations set up. I didn't want to have to walk through many of those plus I am just use to carrying my own anyway. I recall getting to a water station at around mile 3-4 (or farther??) and thinking it would be a good time to stop at the portopotties because I could tell my bowels were going to do a number on me before too long. I honestly think dh just jinxed me before the race by telling, "Don't poop yourself at mile 3!" Nice, right!? It could have been the yellow curry chicken fried rice from the day before or it could have just been the fact that my bowels LOVE to play games with me between miles 3-5 these days. What is up with that???
Anyway, the portopotty line was too long and after watching a good 30 seconds or so tick away on my Garmin I said screw it. I will take my chances. Seriously, I probably even said it aloud.
We were running the roads in a neighborhood along a golf course at this point and I can remember thinking to myself, ok I can maybe find a bush to duck behind and if it's too bad I can use both my arm warmers and just toss them (since I didn't pack the tp I planned to!) since they were a cheap expo find from my previous half marathon. I was sure I could find another pair. BUT I swear there were no appropriate bushes to be found. Not surprisingly though. I DID consider asking the cute little man sitting in his yard with his pooch if maybe (just in case I got desperate) I could use his facilities? SLim chance that would have happened.
Instead, I ran on and on and on and on...
[caption id="attachment_769" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Throwin' my "sign" to my handsome hubby! And of course smiling because I was super excited to see him. :)"]
As I came up the hill and backout onto Peachtree Road I saw the most handsome and familiar of faces. I think I was at around mile 5 at this point. My husband ran along side me for about .25 miles and when he asked how I was doing I said, "You were right, I gotta $h!t." It's what I said. I also told him that I felt great and had ran the entire race so far maintaining a great pace, no music and felt like I could just go forever, except the bowels. He told me the next hydration station was ahead as were the portopotties but that the lines appeared long. Just my luck.
Thankfully, there was a Chevron station on my side of the road. I could see before I got to it that it had outside bathrooms. Score. It was open AND some other awesomely smart runner like myself had the same idea at some point. :) I was never happier to find a quiet place to myself. I tookt he opportunity to also shed one of my arm warmers and refuel with some Honey Stinger chews. I didn't stop my Garmin for this pitstop because I wanted my time to be accurate but the entire stop cost me roughly 2-3 minutes. I hurried but I didn't hurry if that makes any kind of sense. I should have been super nice and kissed my hubby for being there for me at this point but this...
[caption id="attachment_770" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Blowing kisses while eating honey stinger chews is not pretty! It's just not."]
And with that I was back on my way. I should also mention that I handed my iPod off to the hubby. I had not used it still to this point! The ONLY time I have ever ran without music is on my long training run with friends. I had never ran a race without music, ever. But it was totally working for me this time. Our bibs for this race had our names on them. Every single time I would hear someone at the hydration stations yell, "Good job, Kimberly! You're doing great, Kimberly! Keep going strong, Kimberly!" I would get chills, teary eyed and just felt so encouraged to keep going just as I was. Before I knew it I was approaching mile 9 when I heard a tall, thin runner lady announce to those around her, "There's a killer hill at mile 9.5." So, I told myself ok fine you haven't walked yet (except the potty break, which totally does not count!) you can take a break then if you need to.
My plan was to run the hillas far as I could before taking a walk break. Now, to me ATL hills are more like inclines especially compared to these hills in TN. So, I kept running and running even at mile 9.5 thinking these hills are not bad at all. I ran most of that lady's "killer hill" before I decided to take a quick walk break if for nothing else but to eat a few of my chews and get a drink. So, I did. I looked at my Garmin and realized that I would be at mile 10 around 1:50. Haulin' butt...which translates to, I am SO gonna make my time goal if I keep going like this.
And so I did. I came into the hydration station at mile 11 and was at about 2 hours so I decided to walk and drink a full cup of water. I gathered my thoughts and as I turned back onto Peachtree Road to make my way towards the finish I couldn't help but get excited for myself. This run felt easy and I couldn't believe I was doing it alone without music.
As I ran along Peachtree I was coming downhill before making the last LAST little incline to mile 12 when I saw a guy with a camera. At first I was like ok, I gotta get my game face on and make sure that photographer gets me at my best for this last little mile. But as I ran closer I recognized that photographer...only he changed clothes and it was NOT much warmer out. But...
[caption id="attachment_771" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="coming up the last hill.. who is that guy??"]
[caption id="attachment_772" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Hey honey! I am sooo glad to see you again!"]
He ran alongside me again for a bit. We chatted it up about the last little bit of my race. I told him I had some slight knee pain but that I was fine. He said he had done his run for the day, while not as long as my run he still logged some miles! He was running beside me before he got just a bit in front of me...there is something about a taller person running just inside/in front of me that throws off my pace so I snapped, "move on, you're in my way!" And he kindly said sorry and told me he would see me at the finish, but not before I tossed my nathan handheld to him. Thank you, honey, really for being there! I could not have done this without your support with training and during the race. He pushed me on and told me to go get the last mile! I knew by looking at my Garmin I was still on pace for a PR.
The last mile was pretty much uneventful. I knew I had about 10 minutes or so of running left and as the sun shined down on me I just ran. Making the final right turn into Town Brookhaven and downhill I just couldn't help but be proud of myself. I had done it again. 13.1 miles. This time alone and with no music, my own personal paparazzi there to follow me and wait for me at the finish. I looked at my Garmin one final time and knew that I had at least a 5 minute PR and I pushed hard through the end.
[caption id="attachment_773" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="2:23:05 "]
I grabbed my medal, a chocolate milk, threw my arms in the air for the photographer to snap a pic, and then I cried. I cried out of joy, pain...I cried from pure pride. I cried because I was sure I could no longer move my body, or at least my right knee. It throbbed, the pain I felt was terrible. I was freezing and I wanted to lay down. My hubby found me right away and I think the first thing I told him was that it hurt so bad, my knee was shot. My whole body was shot. I knew at that point that I had given that race my all. I ran that race with every single part of me and I truly did my absolute best. All I wanted was to get relief from the pain. I begged for my hubby to find me some ice but instead he took me right over to the massage tent.
[caption id="attachment_774" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=""Some guy is taking your pic, that ok?" lol Yes, he's with me! I write a blog and need him to catch all the important stuff."]
The only thing about this massage that sucked was that it was not long enough. But all the stretching, pulling, mashing and whatever else that lady did was just what I needed. I stood up and was able to comfortably walk again. I had forgotten (or at least could not feel) the pain in my knee. At that point I only wanted food and more chocolate milk!
[caption id="attachment_775" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="13.1 Atlanta 2:23:05"]
I did it again. While I didn't make my goal of 2:20 I was only 3 minutes slower (hello, poop break??). I got a 5 minute PR and that is huge considering my last half was just a few short months ago.
Now, YOU have the rest of the story and...
if you want you can help us try to win a great prize package by going to and go to page 6. Four of the photos my hubby took of me are there.. so please go vote for the awesomeness that is ME and my half marathon badness! Thanks!
Oh and in just a few short weeks I am doing it again! I have total 13.1 bling addiction!