Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some randoms....

I do these posts often on my other blog but not too often here. I tend to go a few days between posts and am really trying to work on that. So, today I give you some randoms that go through my head about running/weight loss and all the stuff in between.

~ This stuff isn't easy (for me). Weight loss carries it's own set of daily issues. Read - I struggle on a daily basis fighting the demon that is my will power. Yesterday my lack of willpower caused me to order the wrong sandwich at the deli last night which in turn resulted in fluid retention and if you know what fluid retention can do then you will know that the scale reflected such. The best part is that it wasn't huge (the result on the scale). What it has done is given me time to reflect on yesterday and move forward with today. Lack of will power yesterday means super will power today.

~ Some runs are good and some are bad. I learn from the bad and beam with pride from the good. I love love love the good runs. I could try to define good run to you but honestly good run doesn't always mean fast pace. Good run means feeling strong/powerful and like I could just go on forever. Good run means loving what I am doing from the first .10 to the last .10 of the run, whether I am going a mile or 11 miles. Bad run.. those where my legs feel heavy, where my mind tells me I can't when I KNOW deep down I can, where nothing feels right..those particular runs just plain suck. I've had both good and bad. If you run, you can relate.

~ I let the scale judge me. True story. And it happens too often. I've posted before about how I get on the scale entirely too much (multiple times a day!). I pretty much let the number it gives me determine my mood for the day. Why? NO reason but seriously when it shows a loss one day I am on cloud 9 and feel super wonderful about how I look. The days it shows me up whether it is 2 ounces or 2 lbs it can ruin me and make me feel as though  I am the biggest blob. For obvious reasons I do prefer when the scale shows a loss, ha.. who doesn't, right!?

~ I am trying to focus more on how far I have already come rather than how far I still have to go. People will ask how much weight I've lost and tell me how they can see a change and that I look good, but a lot of times all I can see is how much farther I need to go to reach my goal. I even went so far as to tell a friend the other day that this journey is no longer about how far I have left to go but about reflecting on how far I have come in the last 2 years. I know by having a positive attitude will get me to the long term goal I so hope to reach. My weight is just a number. The tag on the inside of my jeans/shirt/dress is just a number too. But my journey in getting to that weight/size tag is quite the fantastic story.