Today was one of those days that was just not the best. I didn't do a lot of meal planning and quite honestly meal planning has just not happened. This has resulted in a few poor choices. The poor choices have led to that ick feeling. The ick feeling had me almost convinced to turn my scheduled 5 mile run for this evening into a 3 mile run....
I hit 3.1 on the treadmill in 31 minutes and decided I was NOT done running for the day. My training plan called for 5 miles so I need to push harder and go the distance. When the treadmill read 3.5 miles I knew there wasn't a whole lot of running left and I planned to end strong with a solid 5 mile run under my belt for the day.
5.02 * 50:49 * 10:07 pace
I would love to try and convince you or myself that I don't make mistakes when it comes to food. But I am weak sometimes and I am not perfect.EVER. I try hard though. I have learned many times how poor choices affect me and most of the time the poor choice is never worth it. I have goals and making a poor choice will not help me reach my goal.
I KNOW I will reach the goal of crossing the finish line to my half marathon but beyond that I have a weight loss goal I wish to achieve. So, beginning tomorrow I will be refocussing on both goals even though I know the half marathon is 10 days away it is important to focus on the long term goal now and not wait until after the race is over to be more focused. Focusing tomorrow on the long term goal will only help me reach my short term goal of the half marathon. I've known this all along but like I said...I have weak moments. I am a firm believer that the weak moments will only make me stronger.
And I want to be strong!!!