Not that I ever really doubted that I could.
I mean I have been at this whole running bit for a couple years now. April actually marks 2 years for me.
But what I mean by I can run is I CAN RUN. Still don't get it?
Ok, ok.
Well, long story short...
Even though I have been running for 2 years you may be surprised when I say that I have never totally completed the Couch to 5k training, nor have I totally ran even a 5k. I've always taken walk breaks. Always. Until...
Wednesday night at the gym.
My half marathon training plan (yes, you read that right and the above.. I've never even ran a 10k) called for a 6 mile run.
The weather this week has been awful. rain, rain and lots more rain. This meant that the greenway I would normally run on was covered in water. Not just a little water but enough that I would be swimming had I even been on the trail. And as short as I am the water likely would have been over my head in some spots. haha So, 6 miles on the treadmill. And I was not at all excited about it. I had all day to think about running 6 miles on the treadmill. Not fun.
And so I ate.
I fed myself yesteday as best as I could. I preplanned my meals and didn't snack yesterday afternoon like I wanted to. I really firmly believe that proper nutrition has been key to some of my best runs. Not that every day is a perfect eating day and every run is definitely not great, but I can tell a difference in my fitness on days when my eating has been spot on.
5pm rolled around.
And this mama still wasn't convinced she was going to have a great run. But I dressed and went. I picked my fave treadmill. #1 on the middle row of machines. For the most part that treadmill and I jive with each other. It's like having the perfect pair of shoes. It just has one minor flaw. I'll get to that in a bit.
I hopped on, got my iPod going (set to shuffle this time, which is something new for me), and set the speed to 5.7 mph. I'm not sure my thought process when I first started my run but by mile 2 I just kept telling myself: "One more mile." and then if by the next mile I felt winded or needed a break I would walk or stop for a sip of water.
Fistpump with the hubby!
I hit 3.10 miles in just under 32 minutes. Hello!?
I had increased my speed slightly between mile 2 and 3 and because it felt so good I kept going. So at 3.10 miles (a 5k... yes, I RAN the whole thing for the very first time ever and just over a 10 min/mile pace!) I told myself that I would go to 4 miles, which would be my longest time/distance running straight through with no break, and IF at 4 miles I needed to slow down or break I would.
I increased my speed again and kept going. I only had 2 miles left and I had already ran double that. So, why stop now?
No break needed. Get to 5 miles and then we'll see.
I hit 5.10 and increased my speed AGAIN. No stopping. No reason to stop, no pain, not dying of thirst and come on .90 left to go.. you got this!
Blasted treadmill!
Did you know some of these things automatically slow you down to a walk (slow walk) at 60 minutes?? I hit the 60 min mark and was ticked off because I was at 5.85 miles and the treadmill was slowing me down because it thought I was done. Um, no sir! I don't need your cool down. So I cranked that puppy up to 7 mph in full Jillian Michaels style and told myself I was getting that last .15 done in the 2 min cooldown.
And I did.
6 miles in 61:30
no walk breaks, no water stop
solid running
Runner's high?
I think maybe I hit that around mile 4 and just carried it the last 2 miles. I never was out of breath. My body never hurt. My adrenaline was pumping a few times. And believe it or not I didn't even cry at my success. But I have bragged quite a few times.
to my hubby - for believing in me always. for cheering me on everyday. and for hopping on the treadmill beside me even though I know it is not your fave thing to do. for understanding me and why this whole thing means so much to me. for letting me convince you to go through this training with me. for saying yes to running 13.1 miles by my side. I can't wait to experience that together. I love you.
to Terri - for commenting on my blog way back in the fall and inviting me to that first group run. for getting me to sign up for my first 8k. for convincing me that I could absolutely train for a half marathon. for letting me share my successes and cheering me on, even when I have a bad run and all I want to do is complain. And I know you probably think I don't owe you thanks but you are my true running hero and have taught me lots.
to my readers - for letting me share my journey with you. for your cheers and support.