Thursday, December 9, 2010

>Three Things Thursday

>1. Yesterday I ran outside with the so awesomly, fabulous Terri. I have been lucky enough to have met her via Blogland and even luckier that she lives close to me! We attempted to run together Monday but she was needed by a friend and of course I understood that. What a great friend she is! Anyway, we decided to try and meet to run a quick 3 on Weds. Let me just tell you what a TROOPER Terri is... first, she didn't tell me she had worked out already that morning and second, she told me close to the end of our run that she has an upper respiratory thing going on! And to add to that she's been having back issues! She rocks, y'all. We met yesterday at my gym and ran a little trail nearby. It was roughly 3.02. Neither of us timed it or kept track of our pace, but let me tell you....when I said a quick 3 miler that is exactly what it felt like to me! Her pace the whole time was great and it was the first time for me (running that trail) that I only took a couple of brief walk breaks. I honestly feel like I could have ran the entire thing had I just pushed myself a little harder. And this was only my 2nd cold weather run ever. I've said before about how great Terri is at being positive while running and yesterday was no different, she was cheering me on the whole way. I just love that!  So, again, I wish to say thanks to Terri.

2. Tonight I went to my regular BodyPump class. Last week I already felt like I wasn't getting much out of the class because they were doing some transitioning into new music and moves. They do this so that your body doesn't get to use to the same moves and all of us who work out know how good a change in routine is great for the body. I enoy the class for the most part every time I take it. However, the last 2 times I have taken it I feel very much like I have not gotten enough out of the class even though I am increasing my weight and giving it my all. Tonight I really feel like I just didn't get much at all out of the class. I didn't like the music, the reps were different and there is one teacher that just doesn't get real pumped up. Add to that the fact that I barely was sweating when I left. A friend at the gym noticed when I left that I wasn't sweating and commented on that. I immediately told her that I just didn't get much out of class tonight. Ugh. I'm not sure I will attend class Saturday and I will definitely miss Tuesday's class so if I take it again it will be this time next week. Maybe that is why I am not getting much out of the class. Who knows!? But at this point I feel like I need a new weight routine.

3. I love saving the best for last. I thought about making this a new post all together but why not just do it this way!? Today was my weigh in at the gym for the Maintain Don't Gain challenge. I knew this morning when I stepped on the scale at home that it was going to be a great day to weigh in. :) So, I went first thing this morning to the gym. You may  know from reading previous posts that I had a certain number goal in mind. I DID IT! I hit that magic number today and am now officially in a new set of numbers. I am down a total of 60 lbs and if all goes accordingly I will do more than just maintain over the holidays! Take that!!! Ha. I am down a total of 10 lbs since Nov. 1. I am very excited about this. Next goal- 20lbs.