Monday, December 20, 2010

>The bad run

>First of all let me say that Saturday the hubby and I ran together and it was great. My plan was to run 6 miles but we ended up only running 5.55 in just about an hour, which is pretty good. I am still amazed that I have been able to run longer distances with fewer walk breaks. I tried my best to stop just short of 2 miles and take a walk break but hubby just wouldn't let me. I'm glad to have such great support in him. Saturday's run was a great one but it left my  legs and knees hurting! It probably didn't help later in the evening when we had a wedding to go to and I decided to wear boots with little heels. And the walking we did later that night at the mall (in those same heeled boots) probably added to the leg/foot/knee pain I was already feeling but it didn't take away the fact that we had a great run earlier in the day.

The bad run came tonight when I jumped on the treadmill after work. It just didn't feel right from the beginning. The air was stuffy, my right leg capri tight kept creeping up over my knee and my legs felt like lead. It was just tough and I had to stop to fix my pants leg just at a quarter mile. Boo. I kept going once I got that taken care of but within another quarter mile I could feel how heavy my legs were and knew this run was not going to be my best. So, what did I do? I ran until I hit a mile and stopped. 10:30 min/mile. Not bad but it definitely was not the 4 miles I was hoping to run tonight. :(

Even though I had a not so great run I ended up turning my workout into a good one.
I hopped off the treadmill and jumped on the arc trainer.  Have you used one of those before?

It looks like the one above and I hope one day my buns will look like that chics! haha
Anyway, I set it to about 8-9 on elevation (it goes to 10) and 40 on resistance (goes to 100) and got in 20 more minutes of cardio on that bad boy. If you have never used an arc trainer you should. I swear I burn twice as many calories on that thing. 400+ in tonight's 20 minute workout!! Not bad.

Once I finished with that I walked over to where hubby was and lucky for me he was just finishing up his workout. So, he talked me into doing a few other exercises. I can't remember what all I did but I remember some kettle bell squats and swings and upright rows....oh and there was some ab work that he swears I will feel in the morning. I'm sure I won't be thanking him for that tomorrow.

Anyway, I am happy that I was able to turn my bad run into a great workout. Tomorrow I plan to do BodyPump and then hopefully a quick run (even if it's only 2 miles....I need some miles!).

And because I didn't update my "Maintain Don't Gain" weigh in last week I will say I was only down half a pound. I am happy with that but won't lie because I did want it to be more. Oh well, 'tis the season and so long as I am not gaining I am a happy  mama. :) Now, I just hope I can bring in a different number this Thursday!