>1. I want to run a half marathon (my first!) in 2011...March or April. So, I am thinking of either the one in my city or traveling nearby (Georgia possibly) to run one. Hubby thinks I should travel for my first half marathon rather than stay local. I think staying local has more positives but he thinks travel would be more fun. I actually can see his point, too. Traveling would mean a sitter and better post race celebration. LOL I just know that I should register for whichever I decide to do soon because while I am training I have nothing concrete to train for. Does that make sense? I can train for the distance but I want to actually be training for a specific race. It makes sense to me. :) What would you do?
2. I can hardly believe that Christmas is already here (well, in a day or two) and that this year is coming to a close. I feel good about what I have accomplished in 2010 and am really looking forward to meeting more goals in 2011. I have goals. Do you have goals? I am going to share (again) my goals soon.
3. I am officially off work until Jan. 3, 2011. Wow. that is a lot of time off. Yay for vacations at home. I plan to enjoy the time with my family as well as getting in some much needed workouts and runs. Can't wait to see what kind of running stuff Santa has left me under the tree. Hopefully he did bring some running stuff! I've been a good girl! ;) Are you planning to run on Christmas Eve or Christmas day? I have a run planned tomorrow. I'm telling myself the magic number is 5. We shall see.