Thursday, September 9, 2010

>Three Things Thursday

>1. Forgive my absent mindedness on Tuesday about the GU. haha I did NOT chill my GU. I used it before going out to run because I was sooooo drained and needed a bit of added energy to run. I simply did not even think about the fact that had I been running an extra long distance the GU would be stuck in a pocket some place and no where near cool by the time I needed it to refuel with. LOL I ran 4.3 on Tuesday. I felt like a slug but chalked that up to the 90+ degree temps and the fact that I rested for 4 days due to being sick. Finished in around 45 mintues, so not as sluggish as I felt.

2. Hair. I am getting mine cut tonight for the first time since right before Easter. What a shame, huh!? What is it with mom's putting things like hair cuts and brow waxing (yeah, I'm having that done too) on the backburner for months on end? lol Anyway, nothing new about my do tonight..just a trim. I am still loving my long locks. I think they make me feel like I have a little more youth in me. :)

3. Great American Cookie Co. Dude, they have such yummy cookies. I was brought one today with a Diet Coke from Sonic. I requested the Diet Coke, but not the cookie. It was a sugar cookie with a lovely chocolate frosted football on it (tis the season). What I should have done was left it sitting on my desk until after I got my daughter from school and shared it with her. What I did was gobble that thing right up. Sigh.