>This is my first time writing a Three Things Thursday post.
Firsts are good!
1. I got a new scale yesterday. Much to my surprise it was as accurate as I could have hoped for it to be. I had been having issues with my old scale. On any given day it might read 160 (which I have NOT hit) or zero (as in a big ol goose egg 0) or even E (as in ERROR!). So, because I had no real true weight the last couple of weeks I had convinced myself the scale would tell me I was back up over 180, like as much as 186...yuck. BUT to my surprise I was sitting right where I was at my last weigh in before the scale decided to quit on me. 177. Thank you, new scale! :)
2. I've got new followers! Welcome and thanks for following me. For some reason I don't show up in the reader for a lot of people. I made some changes earlier in the year and lots of people say I don't show as updating the blog when I am indeed doing so. SO, if you know how to fix that please help a girl out because I am by no means tech savvy.
3. I am taking 2 days of rest this week. Only two. Hold me to that? Sure you will! ;) One day was Tuesday and the other tomorrow (hello football season!). Saturday will be a long run and Sunday...well, Sunday will be something, anything as long as it means calories burned and my body moving.