Thursday, September 30, 2010

>Three Things Thursday

>1. I overcame a fear last night. It might not be a big deal to some but for me it's pretty big. I live in the sticks in a small subdivision but close to a busy highway. I typically run on the treadmill at my gym or in the park/trail nearby. Last night my kids were both asleep when I picked them up so we just went on home. No gym for me. So, I decided to go run when the hubby got home. My plan was to get in 30-45 mins of running but that didn't happen. However, I overcame the fear of running on that blasted highway. Something about speeding cars and tractor trailer trucks just didn't get my adrenaline flowing in the past. Last night though, I DID IT! And it was a pretty good run. 2.46 miles in 25:53, which I recalulated my route in the car today and found out it was actually 2.5 miles. So, a good run (for me) and I am proud. :)

2. Where are the good people going?? I know my blog is boring, uninteresting and not updated very often (I fail a but seriously people are starting to leave. Sadness. :( I love my followers. What can I do to make you stay??  I'll do anything. Oh, and soon, like next week...I will be hosting my first giveaway on this here blog. Hint: it will involve one of my fave running books.

3. This week has been good for me. I have stayed on plan eating. I had gotten addicted to trail mix recently. I snack on one that I buy at my local grocer that contains dried cranberries, golden raisins, a mix of nuts, choc chips (white and dark) and maybe a caramel or butterscotch chip. VERY tasty. BUT I was not measuring out my portions. Huge mistake. This week I started measuring my portions/servings and I think it has helped A LOT. I hope to have a weigh in victory tomrrow. I will report back either way.