>Tonight I went to the gym for the first time in days. As hard as it was I managed to run 5.42 miles in just a few seconds over an hour. On my drive home I had time to think about my running. I also thought a lot about my goals for 2010. I say for 2010 because I don't have a date set to accomplish these goals but they are things I hope to get done in 2010 even if it takes me the entire year. I will succeed.
1. to lose 30-35 more pounds
2. to run a 5k race in 35-37 minutes
3. run an 8k race
4. run a 10k race
5. begin training for a half marathon
There I've said it. Those are my goals for 2010.
I don't plan to mark a date for any of them (at least not for now) but I do hope to get them all done in the up coming year. I will track my progress on each here on my blog. I won't be posting any "New Year's Resolutions" because I haven't ever really stuck with resolutions. I have worked harder to meet certain goals I have set for myself. So, in 2010 I am going to work hard and succeed at all of my goals!