Thursday, December 3, 2009

>What can I say...

>I'm a total slacker.

I've slacked in posting here for many reasons.  Do you want me to even go about listing them all? HA!

I feel unmotivated most days, especially lately. In the last two weeks I have worked out/ran twice. Yep, you read that right....TWICE. The day before Thanksgiving and Tuesday of this week were my only two days of running. I know, I know.. I keep saying, "this week I am going to step it up." I don't. Well, not really. I did run 5.54 miles Tuesday but really is that stepping it up? I think not. I could use all the classic excuses like, "my family is just so busy" or "the holidays have hit and there is just so much to prepare for," but really!? Excuses are lame. All of them.

I haven't taken measurements in who knows how long. I haven't felt like it. Lately I feel like a pile of mushy and who wants to unclothe and ask their hubby to measure all the mushy parts? Not me, especially since I have only worked out twice in two weeks and we are only a week out from Thanksgiving. I don't think I am really afraid to see my measurements. I'm positive they won't be bigger than the last measurements I took. I'm just afraid (well not really afraid more like I dread) what the measurements will be mainly because if they aren't down at all I will feel even more like a failure than I already feel. Ya know!?

I've pretty much maintained my current weight since about October or it may be September. I can't recall and I didn't go back to look. At any rate, I don't think maintaining is a bad thing. I have fluctuated up and down around the same number. That's fine. BUT I really am ready to see the scale move down and continue to move. So what does that mean? Well, that means that I have to quit just saying, "I'm going to step it up." It is so easy to SAY those things but I'm telling you it is hard to actually DO it. Surely, I am not the only one who struggles. So, what is it you DO to actually get the job done? I need your ideas!

Yes, I am a busy person. Yes, I work full time and have a family life once I get off work. I am my daughter's Girl Scout troop leader and now (starting tomorrow, I'm scared to death actually) her Upwards Basketball coach (I may not have mentioned that I have never coached a thing before.. and I never played basketball)!! But I can't use those things as excuses to not "step it up and get the job done" when it comes to me and this crazy weight loss journey I have been dealing with for far too long. Right?! Right. So, no matter what... and you can even remind me (if anyone still reads here) that I am on a journey and there is a goal to be made. I want to reach the goal sooner rather than later and that means everything starts NOW.

No matter what I will post here daily if only to check in with myself (or you if you're reading) whether it is to discuss what I am eating or my exercise for the day or just how I am feeling about life in general. And I will stop being such a slacker. Period. :)