Tuesday, December 3, 2013

November recap

I feel like I need to recap the month of November for the sole purpose of telling myself that it's going to be ok. We had a rough November. Sure, I ran and PR'd my marathon but then things got nuts.

I took a complete week of total rest post marathon. I suggest everyone do this the week post marathon. Best thing I did for not only myself but my family. Was I a crazy person? Did I want to run? Truthfully - nope! I enjoyed extra family time and my body was thankful for the break.

The week after my marathon we lost my father in law unexpectedly. You can imagine what that week was like. I did manage two short, easy runs for my sanity. But as you can imagine things got busy so that was all I squeezed out.

Thanksgiving week started out well and I managed to hit up BodyPump on Monday (skipping my easy run in hopes to make up the miles on my other cross train day). I ran Tuesday and Wednesday, both easy/lower miles. Then I got sick. Not just a little sick apparently. Thanksgiving day I was fine but skipped my run to volunteer at a race and prep food, then hang with friends/family for the day. I had every intention of getting my Friday run/cross train or something in BUT I couldn't lift my body out of the bed. So, I coaxed my kids into leaving me be a while by giving them a Black Friday find I scored. Gotta love cheap entertainment and a few hours peace!

Saturday morning there was no way I was doing much. Off to the dr's I went where I learned I had a sinus infection, bronchitis and laryngitis. So fun to go big and get it all done at once, right!? I've been taking my daily doses of cough meds, mucinex and antibiotics; feeling lots better.

I ran a total of 10.75 miles last week. Daily Mile said, "Fantastic training!" Wrong, DM, wrong.
I ended November with a total of 72 miles logged with 26.46 of those being my marathon. You can say November was NOT my best month of the year as far as mileage logged BUT I'm not going to beat myself up over life happening. Instead I'm going to let November be a success based solely on my 23 minute marathon PR. :)

So, what's on tap for December?
Good question. So far, my only December goal is to run and keep going to BodyPump. I'm repeating a week in training but taking things slow, which hasn't been hard (first run was today) and pace is suffering still because my lungs are still achy. I know it will take time to fully recover and get back to where I was. I'm being patient and moving forward with a positive attitude.

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