one. Christmas is 5 days away! I am hoping I don't have to run to the stores for anything else before the big day. I do have a few things to check off my list but since we won't be seeing some folks until after Christmas I'm thinking I can hit up a few places post holiday. I have Santa wrapping to do and that seems to be my only real issue. And honestly it's not much of an issue except I have to figure out when/where I will wrap stuff because I have one kid (7) that still believes and the other kid (10) doesn't. So while I can lock myself in the bedroom there is still the whole, "What are you doing?????"
two. I am super excited that each year I get so much time off work to spend with my family for the holidays. We close Friday at 5pm and reopen on Jan. 2nd. Woohoo. Normally this would mean lots of sleeping in and not really answering to an alarm clock. This yr will be a little different though. I'll answer to an alarm clock to get my runs in but then I get to go home and enjoy family time instead of rushing off to work. My kiddos (I think) are kinda excited about having us all home for a while as a family.
three. Running related here - I fell and ate some major sidewalk on yesterday morning's 5 miler. We were roughly .15 miles in when the sidewalk just reached right up and grabbed my foot. haha I hit hard and kinda just laid there a minute until the stinging went away. I'm still trying to figure out just how in the world I fell the way I did. Left knee banged, scraped and bruised. Right shoulder bruised and tender. When I got up I even told my friend that my jaw (right side) hurt. Weird weird fall. I used my achy body and restless night of sleep as an excuse to skip out on my 5am hill repeat session. Those bad boys will be getting done at 5pm instead.
four. I'm trying hard to get real again in the fitness/weight loss department. I can run and run and run and stick to that schedule pretty well, but the whole eat well/lift weights/cross train thing seems to be the hardest for me these days. I think it's because for so long it wasn't a real issue. It just came naturally (the healthy diet) and even when I did splurge I was in tune with what I was doing and marathon training provided me with a way to maintain my weight, so I didn't worry a lot. Now that the marathon is over and I'm back to base running phase I keep trying to work on adding my weights and a little cross training but my schedule still feels so tight. However, I really am going to try to get it all in. It's just hard, yo!
five. In regards to the above post - I just registered for a New Year's Day race and accepted a mileage challenge for winter. That should keep things in check!
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