1. Some have asked about my "major award" post from last night. haha Well, y'all who have read me long enough know my need for Imodium pre-race or long run. I've accepted that I am THAT runner who may or may not have to randomly wander into the woods for a place to excuse myself midrun. I am also THAT runner who still to this day, no matter how many times I've been unfortunate enough to have to use the woods, refuses to carry TP with me. You would think I'd learn by now. Anyway, one day last fall my poor husband had to come to my rescue (again!) and surrender an arm sleeve because my Imodium failed me. oops. It's been a big joke with my best group of running friends for quite some time now. Especially since a little road trip and half marathon IN THE WOODS this summer where my Imodium again failed me. Our social run last night was "Homecoming" and included superlatives. And now you know what I won and why. No shame here. I'm considering framing my certificate. SO proud!
2. I love a good giveaway. I've hosted a giveaway or two myself. I try to enter as many as I can and occasionally I win! More than entering a good giveaway I LOVE when I win. I was excited last week when Katie from Mom's Little Running Buddy Tweeted me to check her blog for an update. Super excited! I won my choice of a leather warrior bracelet from Endorphin Warrior. I have had my eyes on these for a while but never got around to ordering one. And then, yay, Katie had a giveaway and I won! Score. Here is my bracelet..
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3. I fought really hard all week last week to NOT get sick. I went through 2 boxes of Emergen-C (which is great btw) and a tube of Zicam to avoid catching anything the morning of my half marathon. I wanted to believe all that stuff would work. My kids had been sick with upper respiratory infections early in the week. I threatened their lives if they breathed on me. Fine, I really didn't but I begged them not to share their germs. You'll find out soon how I felt race morning. For now, I must go get some rest. Turns out I have a running coach now and a new training plan!