Ahh yes, the 3:30am alarm clock. My running coach advised me a few days before my race to get up 3 hours before the race, walk for 1/4 mile and then have a big breakfast. I knew I was going to have to be up earlier than normal for a race because we had a bit of a drive to the location. I had not ever gotten up, dressed and then gone out for a walk nor was I a fan of a big pre-race breakfast. However, I wanted to take his advice.
So, I was up at 3:30. My husband and I went out and walked about a half mile before loading in the car and heading to the race. Big breakfast? I had a whole bagel! And about 15 minutes before we arrived at the race site I ate a couple of fig newtons. That counts for big, right? My fear with a "big" breakfast was my stomach issues. I did take my regular dose(s) of Imodium. I found this to be most important especially since I had broken out some new arm warmers for that race.
We got to the race with enough time to spare, however we missed the chance to use the porta potties because the line was entirely too long. I was afraid to not have one last pee but what do ya do?? Anyway, we were able to meet up with the whole group for some great pictures. We weren't all running together so it was nice to snap a few pics pre-run.
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I went into this race with one major goal... finish and of course PR. Last year I ran this same race in 2:23 and change. My half marathon PR was 2:10 and change. Prior to my injury in the spring/summer I had a goal of sub 2, however I knew the closer I got to race morning that goal was not going to be met at this race. NO problem! I was still going to PR. I wanted a 2:05 but told myself so long as I came in under 2:09 I would be happy. So, knowing all that I lined up behind the 2:15 pacer. I didn't want to go out with the 2:00 pacer and be too fast to start. Any runner knows this is the smart way to play at the starting line, right!?
My coach also suggested that I take a GU every 35 minutes of my run. I did some thinking the few days leading up to the race and since I don't GU (I use chews) I would take 2-3 chews every 35 minutes and alternate water and sports drink when they were available so I didn't carry my own water for the race. Everything worked perfectly for me there. I took 2 chews every 35 mins, which was roughly every 3.75 miles. I had no stomach issues at all and I found that the first 35 mins I NEEDED those chews because I had gotten hungry.
Splits for the first few miles--
Mile 1 - 9:54
Mile 2 - 9:33
Mile 3 - 9:32
Mile 4 - 9:16
My goal pace was "easy" which for me is around 9:45 min/mile. I knew after the first two miles I was on target with my pacing to run comfortably as well as for meeting my goal for the finish. It was really dark to start the race so I don't really recall much about the course for the first little bit because I was so concerned with watching my footing and making sure I didn't trip. There was some huge speed bumps on one of the streets but thankfully the race organizers had spotlights on them so that helped! However the road was still a little rough and TIGHT! I brushed one girl on the arm as I ran past her and got a real snotty, "Excuse you, b*&%$!" And seriously, I barely barely brushed her and even said, "excuse me." Runners or walkers even, if you are going to walk or run slower than the pacers you have lined up with the very least you can do is stay to the right of the road. This is not just for the safety of faster runners but YOUR safety. Imagine if someone faster than me had truly hit her!? It could have been a mess.
I don't recall much about the next few miles except that when I hit between miles 6-9 I knew my friends would be cursing me and my, "Oh no, it's not hilly at all," description of the race course. Ha! Hi, friends! Yes, I know.. it was hillier than I led on. I always say, "But I run in Knoxville so hills don't scare me." and really hills don't scare me. Now, I don't like them any better than most people but to me Atlanta is more of a gradual grade than a huge climb like so many of the hills around my neck of the woods. Either way my goal was to just run those hills since last year I really didn't. I succeeded.
Splits again--
Mile 5 - 9:26
Mile 6 - 9:34
Mile 7 - 9:24
Mile 8 - 10:07 (took a little longer hydration break)
Mile 9 - 9:40
I knew the ONE hill I wanted to conquer was the one at mile 9 that so many people I heard complaining about last year. I did just that. And that makes me happy. The next few miles were run between a park (which was sidewalks rather than the paved greenway I am use to) and kind of hilly climbs. I only had one small issue around mile 11 when my bladder decided to let things go right there in my pants. I guess that beats my Imodium failing me and having to use my arm sleeves. Positives people, always the positives! Mile 11 was slow as a result and I knew I was going to have to make up for the lost time. I was still well within PR range though so I was ok mentally at that point.
I took my last 2 chews at mile 11 as my coach advised and just told myself it was 2 miles to the finish so give it all I had. Just before mile 12 I got a horrible side stitch. I don't know how I ran through it but I did. I also had started feeling a hot spot/blister on my right foot around mile 9 but fought hard to ignore it even though it felt as though it was ripping apart in my shoe. I was sure between the side stitch and the spot on the bottom of my foot that I would slow way down the last two miles and miss my PR but somehow I pushed hard and just told myself, "DO it!"
Final splits--
Mile 10 - 10:02
Mile 11 - 10:34
Mile 12 - 9:30
Mile 13 - 9:44
final .19- 1:33 (7:59)
I wasn't sure if anyone else in the group would be done before me so I didn't cross the finish line looking for anyone. In fact the only thing I even looked at crossing the line was my Garmin. 2:07:47. I had PR'd that race by 16 minutes!!! That's huge. It was only a 3+ minute distance PR but a 16 minute course PR. I think the only reason I even shed a tear at the finish this time was because I was in pain, not my hip! but my foot. I couldn't wait to pull off my shoe and sock to inspect the bottom of my foot. Luckily the blister was not as huge as I imagined it would be. I sat for a a few minutes waiting for others in my group to cross. I ate a banana and drank some Powerade as well as chocolate milk. Once I got some food in me I decided to put my shoe back on, have a post race prof pic and wait for the rest of my group. Everyone raced well, sorry I don't remember specific times but everyone finished and collected a medal! Yay!
Here are a few more pics from the day...
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Thanks so much for reading my recap so far! I will post some final thoughts on a few things at some point. Right now I have to get myself to bed for a very early morning workout!