I started with a test run 5k on Wednesday with my husband. It was mostly a great run. Pace was a bit faster than it should have been for a test run and the only issue I had was a little tightening around 2.5 miles but since we were only doing a 5k I knew I could make it. Run over and no pain. Yay! I took Thursday as a rest day because I wanted to be semi-fresh for Friday's PT appointment.
I wasn't sure what PT would hold since my appointment earlier in the week was elliptical work followed by some lower body (mostly hip) exercises that had me sweating like you wouldn't believe. I was prepared for Friday's PT appointment (meaning I left my makeup and fixed hair at home!). I told my PT about Wednesday's little run/walk and how it went. We did 10 minutes of head compress on my hip before he had me hop on a treadmill Friday morning. I was stoked. After 5 minutes on the treadmill at about a 6 mph pace we went on about doing my stretches plus all the hip exercises we did earlier in the week. I felt really good and hopeful.
When I was leaving and we were discussing my next appointments the PT says, "Just keep up what you are doing, keep your appointments and as long as you can tolerate it running is ok as well as your regular workouts. But only if there is no pain. This may be more muscular than labral." Best news in 3 weeks! It totally made my whole Friday so much better.
I wanted to go right after my appointment and run some more but I kept with my regular workout plan for the night which was swimming. But because I hadn't done a decent Cross Fit workout in 2 weeks my husband and I did that before we hit the pool. Great workout to follow a great day.
What would Saturday bring??
The plan was a long run. Now, hear me out on the long run plan. I'm having to basically build my mileage back up. I know right now that even though running has been ok'd I cannot just go out and have an all out long run like I would have a few weeks ago OR given I was injury free. No. This long run thing is going to have to be a slow learning process again much like it was when I was training for my half marathons last year. While this injury hasn't put me back at square one I am now at a point in my running (because of the injury) that I am more aware of my body and am listening to each little ping of discomfort.
For my long run today I planned to do 5 miles. Now before the injury I could pull of 5 miles in about 47-49 minutes no problem. I knew I could not go out like that today. I'm still healing. We (my husband and I) decided that we would use the Galloway method during our run today. Our plan was actually to take our walk breaks at each mile. We managed to hold a running pace at around 8:50-9:15 most of the run and with our walk breaks at each mile held our pace to just under a 10 minute mile. I was super happy to have finished my 5 miler today (pain free!) in 50:03. We spent a good amount of time after our run stretching and doing what I call "making love to the foam roller." If this injury has taught me anything it is that stretching and foam rolling is VERY important post run.
In the past I didn't always listen to my body. I didn't stretching properly after my runs. Usually for me stretching was a few little moves in the parking lot while Terri and I finished up our chat post run or doing a hamstring and calf stretch in the gym after a treadmill run. Now I spend at least 15 minutes stretching everything after every workout. If you don't stretch, believe me it is worth it. And I often refer to my foam roller as the runner's torture device. It hurts to use it but it's a good hurt. I've learned to love that big blue foam roller that I won so long ago on a blog giveaway. I can't imagine not having that as part of my running gear.
So, while I am not logging a ton of running miles still and I won't be hitting double digits for a few weeks I am still happy to say that this whole physical therapy is working or at least helping. I am hopeful that it does go like the pt is now thinking and that my injury is more muscular than labral because a muscular injury is easier to deal with than a torn labrum. I still have an appointment for an MRI in a little over a week. I'm more nervous about the procedure than I am about the results. I know the results will give me some insight about where to go from here as far as healing and what kind of mileage I can look at putting in.
For now, I am just going to continue healing through physical therapy. I will continue my workouts and add back a few of the things I was doing before the injury a little a time. I know that I won't give up even if I get the worst news after the MRI.
So, here's to healing and the long run!
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