If you have been around here long enough you know that I am stubborn, pain or not I am going to run. Luckily for me physical therapy is going well and I haven't been told "no, absolutely no running." So, I decided to run today.
Now let me tell you this before you go thinking I went and did something dumb. The orthopedic dr just said, "I just wouldn't do anything that aggravates it too bad," when I asked about running and mentioned that I have a half marathon coming up in July that I REALLY hoped to run. Honestly the one thing that aggravates my hip the most are the intense PT sessions!
My plan for tonight was to just take it slow and run based on how my body felt. This would be my first run (real run) in over 2 weeks so I knew I wasn't going to be able to go all out. I told my husband before the run to just let me run based on how I felt and to not fuss at me.
We ran the first mile with no problems at all. (9:19)
We took a short walk break before running to mile 2. (9:44)
And just before mile 3 I had him take a picture of me for blogging purposes. (9:30)
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I will say that at exactly mile 2.56 I knew my hip had had enough running. It wasn't painful but it was getting a bit tight. It was more from the pace than from the movement/running. I could have slowed down but decided to keep running until I hit 5k distance and then stopped at that point. We had already made the decision to run out far enough so that we'd have a mile to walk back to the gym. I did want to run the entire 4 miles but that would have been really pushing it.
Once we got back to the gym I made sure to do all of my PT stretching and even foam rolled, which if you're a runner you know is like one little torture device that hurts so good.
Overall the run was great and I am really glad that after over two weeks of not running I haven't lost my fitness or much of my speed. I still have a ways to go before I will be back to 100% of course but I plan to do all the right things to get me there.
One day at a time, one run at a time!