Do you ever find yourself settling for where you are whether that is your current running pace, how many pounds you have on that bar or what you can achieve when it comes to the scale?
I find myself questioning my running ability a lot especially when it comes to pace. However, there are many times I set out for a run not expecting much but finding out that I am capable of so much more than I credit myself for being capable of. My last few runs I have surprised myself especially and am realizing that what my husband, Terri and other running friends have told me is true. I won't bore you with the details of my last few runs and paces but let me say that my fastest mile last week was an 8:38 mile (on a 3 mile run with J) and my slowest was a 9:53 (11.5 mile run with the crew). Pace doesn't always matter, no, that is true. However, for someone like me who is always on a mission to improve and make myself better it is important. Why? Because I like being able to see the progress I have made. I like knowing that my continued hard work is paying off. It feels good knowing that while I don't always see it those around me do see that I am pushing myself beyond my limits and making great strides. I am proving to myself what they have been saying.
I AM capable of doing and becoming more than I realize. Every time I go out for a run I am making little improvements. Each run is an opportunity to prove to myself that YES, I am capable of going the extra mile or pushing a little harder to run faster. And that is what will help me achieve each goal I have set for myself.
What are you capable of? Are you pushing yourself beyond your limits to meet your goals? Are you putting everything you have into what you're doing?
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