I had told my running buddies at our group run on Monday that my only goal was to break 30 minutes. My last 5k race was in August and I finished in 31:05. My friends all assured me that I would break that by a long shot. So, I told them under 28 minutes to which they said, "You'll get that easy." And on Friday night when I wished all my running pals well in their races for Saturday (marathons and half marathons in KY and TN) I read one comment, "Looking for a sub 27 out of you." Ahhh, pressure! I went to bed Friday night just hoping to wake up Saturday morning ready to run.
I reviewed the finish times for the Athena's (150 lbs +) women from last year. 26:56 was the first place woman in my division in 2011. Barely a sub 27 5k. I dreamed that night that I had finished my race in 26:52. Could this be a sign that I was going to have a great race??
[caption id="attachment_1316" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Is 96 a lucky number??"]
I was up early (5:30am) because the plan was to meet Terri at the race around 7. It didn't start until 8am but I prefer to be early and knew parking would be somewhat of an issue. Better to play on the safe side of things. I had laid all my stuff out the morning before (I like to be prepared!) and was ready to get dressed almost as soon as I got up. I had plenty of time to dress and eat a half bagel and get my pre-race immodiums in me before we had to head out the door. My kids did great getting up and ready without a fight! So proud of them. And they were pretty proud of me. They always think I am going to run a marathon and pretty much still think I did on Saturday. haha
Once we arrived at the race site I realized I left my phone at home. oops. I quickly grabbed my husband's iPhone and logged on Fb to message Terri and let her know where we were. She messaged me back that she woke up with a fever and was sick in bed, no need to come run a 5k when she has an ultra coming up next weekend. She also told me to remember my strategy and wished me well.
I did something I probably never have done before a 5k in the past and that is warm up. I use to kind of laugh about the elite guys taking a few warmup laps (if you will) before running a 5k. I decided to do it because after only running longer distances for so long I realized it takes me at least a mile to warm up and settle into a decent pace. So, I took about 10 minutes and did a little warm up jog. If anything it at least settled any nerves I might have trying to bog me down.
[caption id="attachment_1317" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Just a little warming up"]
Then it was time to kiss the kiddos and husband, line up, National Anthem, race talk blah blah....
I lined up pretty close to the front of the pack so that I could avoid any walkers or slower paced folks. The 1,2 gun GO. I hit my Garmin just as I stepped over the start line and was off at a decent pace right away. I ran with no music and didn't really hear anything other than the other runners around me breathing or was that me!? It's weird starting that close to the front because you don't quite hear a lot of talking amongst runners like when you start in the middle or back of the pack, just something I noticed yesterday as I ran.
I checked my Garmin about 87 million times before getting to mile one and kept seeing 7 or sub 7 pace so I tried to slow down a little. I wanted to aim for anything over 8 minute pace but under 9 min mile pace as much as I could. That was my only plan for the race. I knew if I wanted to get a sub 27 I would need to stay around 8:40 or below the entire race. I really didn't have many thoughts going on the first mile other than to just run. There was a water stop about half way through but I decided since it was a short run there wasn't a need to stop for water. I was hydrated pretty well since I'd had a bottle and a half before the race. It's a short run and I rarely even carry water for a short run.
Mile one went fast. I felt like people were passing me but that I was still passing plenty of people too. Kinda weird how that happens. I saw a friend pass me and yelled her name as she did. She said, "Your husband said sub 25 today." haha, "Ahh, it'll be my lucky day if that happens!" My lungs felt fine, legs felt fine and there was no mental struggle. I just kept telling myself to push as hard as I could. Just after the halfway point I heard someone yell, "Go Pink Runner Girl!" I knew that one of my running pals was close by. I looked behind me a couple of times waiting for her to pass me. Once she got up beside me I waved, she waved and I said, "hey, can't talk, but hey!" She shared my sentiments. It's much harder to talk when you are concentrating on your pace and while you aren't out of breath completely you know trying to talk will take what you have. haha
Turn, up a slight hill and into mile 2. Water stop again. Skip it, keep running.
I knew after mile 2 when my Garmin read 17 minutes flat that I pretty much had this thing in the bag. My pace had slowed a little but I knew I ran mile 1 much faster than I anticipated and even if I had taken a quick walk break I could finish in my goal time. No need for that. Just keep running strong I told myself. I knew my husband and kids would be waiting at the finish line and that was enough to keep me going. I kept seeing people that had already finished and I could hear a lot of noise so I knew I was close to the finish line. I looked at my Garmin and could see 25:45 on it. I barely had .15 to go, so I picked it up and kicked it in to finish as close to under 27 minutes at possible.
[caption id="attachment_1318" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="26:35"]
And done. Goal met! Oddly enough even though I was out of breath I was not light headed and didn't feel like I was going to pass out of puke. Speed training has paid off for me this year for sure! I grabbed a water and met up with my family and friends. They were all sure I'd place in my division. I wasn't so sure and even asked my husband, "How many big girls came in before me?" haha It is so hard to tell how many women sign up and run as Athenas but really I didn't care. I had just gotten an almost 5 minute distance PR and was stoked.
The kids weren't being too crazy so we decided to hang out for awards just in case I were to win something. There was a small playground and I had passed off what was left of my Rita's Italian Ice for the kids to devour before breakfast. Fun times.
We talked with friends while awards were being done. Time for the Athena's and I heard, "First place with a time of 25:14...." I said, nope no way did I get anything with first place being that fast. But then, my time and name was called! Score!!!
[caption id="attachment_1319" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="2nd place Athena"]
I will happily hold onto the the few lbs over 150 if I can place in my division at these little races. haha $10 to the local running store was my prize. I paired it with a coupon that came in the "goody"bag and scored a nice Brooks running tank for less than half price! Overall it was a great day and I am thankful my feet and legs had speed. I ran with my heart and didn't give in to the demons that are always trying to tell me I can't do something.
Splits you ask??
Mile 1 - 8:11
Mile 2 - 8:47
Mile 3 - 8:49
.10 - 0:47.30(8:01)
I'm still on cloud 9 over my success from Saturday. And for the first time in a long time after a race rather than celebrating with a cupcake I celebrated with shopping. I went back and got that smokin' hot dress I oogled over earlier in the week. Sweet sweet victory!
Did you race this weekend? If so, let me know how you did!