It's Thursday already. I have felt all day like it was Wednesday. I'm glad I am one day closer to the weekend though. And since I have slacked (again) on blogging here are 3 things for today.
1. I started coming down with some sinus funk earlier in the week. Yesterday it was worse, today it's worser than worse (don't give me that look, I totally just said worser). It's mostly the pressure in my head and pain in my ears that irritates me most. I've been popping those little red sudafed pills like crazy every 4 hours though they seem to not be cutting it. And I guess I don't feel that bad or I would go to the dr but honestly I just do not want to deal with the dr's office for sinus crap. Instead, I would rather come here and gripe so maybe you will feel sorry for me. haha Kidding about that last part.
2. Despite not feeling well I am following my HMT plan to a T this week. Monday I actually rested. Well, the kids and I did take the puppy for a quick little walk through the neighborhood and those 20 minutes seemed to be just enough to keep me from wanting to throttle someone. Do you get like that? Say, if you don't exercise are you a stark raving mad lunatic like me by 8pm? hehe I enjoy working out. I do also enjoy rest days but I find that I am just not myself on rest days. I blame the lack of exercise. I sometimes tell myself that I could just go to the gym and do something light but often find that I can't just go to the gym and take it easy. Does that make sense? I'm either all or nothing, and I prefer all. I know my legs need rest though.
3. My gym has added a few new classes. One of those classes is an ab class. It's only 15 minutes but it is ALL abs the entire 15 minutes. I've been taking it on Thursday after my tempo run. Love it. I am still working on making my schedule work so I can take all the classes I like plus get in all my runs. Sometimes I feel guilty about the amount of time I spend at the gym when I know there is stuff needing to be done at home or with the kids.
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