1. Pet peeve alert. I hate when non-exercisers or non-runners want to give those of us that do workout and run regularly advice. Seriously, I've been at this thing long enough to know what I should and should not do. I KNOW that I should listen to my body. Yes, my doctor knows what level of activity I currently am at. No, I do not have any restrictions because (shocker!!) I am healthy enough to partake in the exercises I do. Anyway, so on a message board I frequent one of the people mentioned mud runs and asked who is/has done such. So, of course the hubby and I are planning to run the local Marine Corps Mud Run next month. I piped in. This person, who doesn't run or exercise, goes on about giving everyone advice on doing runs such as these and how dangerous they are. That where they are from people have died during the race. hello, proper pre-race hydration is imperative and I can assure YOU and anyone else that I will most likely NOT die during a race such as this but heck IF IF it is my time to go then by golly take me while I'm running. And keep your unwanted advice about MY sport to yourself there. :)
2. My gym has been having a whole new membership "thing" to celebrate 30 years of health and wellness with the local hospital. They revamped their Group Cycling class to become part of the Spinning revolution. I loved the group cycling class before (more before the awesome Todd left) but I haven't been lately because I am not as fond of the instructors. However, I decided this month I was going to participate in this Spin Challenge with Jess and all the other awesome bloggy peeps. So, this morning I got up at the awesome hour of 5:18 a.m. and dressed for class. I was at the gym early enough to get a little pre-spin class ride in. Class was great even if I was/am not fond of this particular instructor. I did actually like her choice in music....hello 80s hair bands!?!? And I got a great workout. Anytime I can leave class or end a workout with sweat absolutely dripping off me is a success! Anyway, I am hoping to be a spinSTAR and make 6 classes this month.
3. I had pizza for lunch. I don't feel terribly guilty given my workout this morning and the plan for tonight. However, I do not feel like eating and know that I will need a snack before going back to the gym so that I don't crash during my run. And because I went for the pizza at lunch I guess I should take it easy on the Wholly Guacamole I had my heart set on to go with dinner tonight. haha
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