Monday, May 23, 2011

This post contains pain and sadness.

Yesterday was NOT a good day in the life of me as a runner or as a mom.

Our day started with church. Hubby and I planned on a long run after church and arranged for the kids to go out to lunch with the inlaws. So, around 1pm hubby and I got changed and headed to our running destination.

We were aiming for 6-7 miles. It was hot and I was feeling it by 1.5 miles in. A short walk break or two and we were making good timing on hitting 3 miles around 30 minutes. And then the unthinkable happened...

While coming off the brick sidewalk to cross the 4 lane into the rest of the park where we could finish our run something happened and I ate pavement. I have no idea how it happened but hubby thinks I hit the lip of the curb where the brick ends. My big booty was face to face with the asphalt, which was hot by the way, and hubby was yelling, "Get out of the road!" Um, sure...right on that. ;)

He picked my water bottle up from where he was. I stood up and we walked over to the church there...I yelled a bad word then felt guilty for yelling a bad word in the church yard. So sorry, God. I know better. As it was there were no cars coming in my direction so I did not almost get ran over, but that sure would make the story more fun..or something. ;) Coming down the other side of the road was the local rescue squad. Awesome. They turned around and came to see if I was fine. I was.

My hip hurt. My elbow ached. My knees felt stiff and the right one stung from the scrape. My left hand was on fire. BUT I was so thankful that my face was not the first thing to hit. Can you imagine paying $7k on orthondia to have it all jacked up just 2 weeks before getting your braces you know what my face would have looked like? Shudder.

But seriously, HOW does a 32 year old woman FALL.DOWN while running? Isn't that what toddlers do??

I would post the whole story about the sad part of our day but it's just too much, so if you want to read it . The short version is that I will not be training our new pup, Aspen, to run with me. After 11 days with us, her little sweet life ended suddenly last night. The vet suspects it was some sort of cardiac issue. 4 other hearts broke in a million pieces, too. I know she was young and I hope since she was so playful and happy the entire time we had her, showing no signs of ill health that there was no suffering with her.