This fun "runner's survey" was posted on a few other running blogs I follow and because I am lacking in posting and decent topics I decided I would join in. Survey's are fun and you know you want to get to know me better. ;)
What is your favorite type of cross training?
spin class. I just recently (after my 13.1 last month) added this to my weekly routine. I LOVE it.
What is your favorite song to run to?
Different songs for different moods and reasons. There are definitely a lot of songs that get me going. I LOVE anything by Pink.
What brand of shoes do you wear?
Asics. My fave have been the 2100 series. I love my 2150s and moved on to the 2160s which apparently have changed a bit and just are not the same.
Do you wear a hat when you run?
I have before but lately I am a headband (BIC or Bondi, please) addict!
What temperature is your favorite for running?
COLD!!! This heat is awful and my runs suck as I get accustomed to it.
Do you have any big races coming up?
Not really big as far as big miles but big as in 50-60k of my closest friends. Peachtree Rd Race - July 4th
What is your favorite distance?
I like the long run. I wish I had it in me to run 13.1 often but so far just the one. I think I would like that to be my "race" of choice one day when I become a real (haha) runner.
Are you a morning, noon or evening runner?
I prefer to run early but usually can be found on the trails in the evening due to my schedule.
Do you run solo or with a buddy?
I do both but LOVE running with buddies.
What's your favorite post run snack?
Hmmm. I don't have a post run go to snack. Usually because I run in the evenings I head straight home for whatever that night's dinner is.
What's your FAVORITE race?
I LOVE the vibe that is in the air at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. It's just amazing to see so many people supporting a great cause and the survivors...just amazing.
Do you wear a Garmin? If not, how do you track your runs?
Garmin 305 which my sweet daughter named Mr. G for me.
What is your least favorite race?
This is tough. I don't really have a least fave one because I just haven't ran that many. Sure, I have ran about 15 of them but looking back none of them sucked that bad.
What race is your favorite medal from?
Covenant Health Knoxville Half Marathon....of course it is my ONLY medal. ;) Unless you count the medal from the one time 5k race I ran in Cades Cove, TN.
Who is your running idol?
I don't really have idols but I definitely admire a LOT of runners. Lots of professionals, bloggers and (as bad as it sounds) I find myself a bit inspiring as a runner.
How long have you been a runner?
I started running 2+ years ago but didn't really consider myself a real runner until I started training for the 13.1. But I know I know...running is running and if you run, you're a runner. So I am going with 2 years.
Do you run with your engagement/wedding ring on?
What's your favorite workout? repeats? long runs? tempo? fartleks?
I use to really hate speed work and hill training but have learned to appreciate those workouts because while they suck at the time they do make me feel great afterwards. And the long run... I just love a good, long run.