Wednesday, August 4, 2010

>Mid-week progress

>As I said a few days ago I embarked on a new journey in this little journey of mine. I reached out to a fellow blogger who was asking for help! I thought it would be a great way to 1. meet a new friend and 2. help myself while helping her! So, Team JAFG was started and I feel really excited about it. :)

We agreed to text each other to hold ourselves somewhat accountable. So far so good (for me at least). My buddy probably wasn't too thrilled when she got my text at 4:30-4:45 am her time on Monday morning. Can we say oops for not discussing the time zone issue beforehand!?! LOL But as agreed to Sunday night, I was up and in my workout clothes sweating it up by 5:45 am! Thankfully my buddy was able to laugh about the mishap when she got up Monday morning (an hour after me) to get her exercise in. Today seemed to go a little better. We agreed on a Mon/Weds schedule for the two of us. But it has been SO much better than that because we've been able to text back and forth daily for that extra level of accountability.

Monday's workout (mine) -
I hopped on my Wii and started the EA Sports Active Trainer game.
Started with an upper body routine and since I still had more time and felt good I restarted the 30 day challenge. I am now happy to say I have 27 days left to complete the challenge.
I also went to the gym after work to get a run in.
Tuesday's workout-
Wii time again. Day 2 of the 30 day challenge. Total workout time was about 30+ minutes and was total body. It included some running, arms/shoulders, lunges (lots of lunges).

As part of my July goals I said I wanted to get in more running miles each week. Well, Tall Mom is hosting a challenged us to getting in 80 miles in the month of August. Walk, jog, run... Can I do it? Who knows! But I am definitely going to try.

Monday I managed 2.6 miles on the treadmill. I had to stop short of my 3.1 goal because I forgot to put a pony tail holder on my wrist before I left the house that morning. My long hair was down, drenched with sweat and the more I ran the more sweat was flying off me. This seemed ok until a lady hopped on the treadmill to my left. After a couple of evil glares from her and whispering to her buddy I decided I should end there that my sweaty drops must have been hitting her. Oops!

So, with the running my Wii game has had me doing and my run on Monday I think it is safe to say that I am at least 3 miles into the challenge! Tonight I have another run planned. I figured if I can get in at least 3 miles for 3-4 days a week and more miles on the other day (or two) then I can meet the 80 mile goal. Fingers crossed!

Are you challenging yourself this month?