Wednesday, August 11, 2010

>Rough day or two..

>I've been home caring for the sick. Poor Belle came down with a virus which has about the same symptoms as strep throat. We went to the dr yesterday morning since she woke up sceaming and crying about how bad she felt and upon taking her temp we discovered she had a nice little fever. We thought we were in the clear after a day of rest yesterday but my girl woke up at 5am with a 102 temp this morning. Lovely.

So I have been home two days in a row. You would think being home all day I would have plenty of time to workout, right?! Sure. But I spent the last two days cleaning and doing laundry and hangin' out with the kids.

I DID pull out an old Pilates dvd last night and did 20 minutes of that. I've probably only ever done that one other time so it is relatively new to me.

My plan for today was to hit the gym for my running but Miss Belle still has a low grade fever and that's a no go. Hubby came home early from work so that I could go but I was in the middle of sweeping and mopping and had a good groove so I decided to finish what I was doing and came up with a new plan.

I am going to hop on the Wii for some total body stuff. I have failed at the 30 day challenge I started last week due to a few minor bumps we've had going on in life around here, but I am ok with that. I can just pick up where i left off on that. I am also going to try the pilates again just because it felt good on my abs and we all know my abs need the work. Since I will be missing my scheduled run (training run plan I started) I am going to try to get some hill repeats in when Hubby gets back home from football tonight.

And just in case I didn't report what I had going on Monday...
3.10 miles in 32 min flat. :)

I may not meet the 80 mile for the month of Aug challenge but I am seriously going to work towards my yearly mileage goal of 500 miles. I am about halfway there. This too makes me happy!

Ok, enough of this rambly all over the place post! It's crazy around here.