Since my last post a lot has been going on!
My son recovered pretty well after his surgeries with only one visit back to the hospital for iv fluids and pain meds. My daughter and I both came down with strep throat while on Spring Break. Neither of us was very happy about that....
Annabelle bounced back very quickly but I spent over 36 hours in bed sick as a dog. I think this was the first time I'd ever had strep throat and man it was no joke!! All better now though.
I finished up therapy on my back/SI/hip or whatever. But I fell during my long run on Saturday. Between mile 6-7 I caught the lip of the sidewalk and down I went HARD on the injured side! Oops. However, as odd is it may be I have had NO issues with that hip/SI joint since and I was in a lot of pain on Friday. Maybe this is a good thing!? Or maybe part of the reason I am having no issues is because of this....
*image from KT tape website.
KT TAPE may have helped my IT band/bursitis and SI joint for my run too. I had my hubby tape me up before my long run just to see if it would help. This is the first time I ever used it and I am a fan already! I'll be taping up again in 11 days for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon where I will be joining a friend for the 2 person marathon relay! Hopefully the KT tape helps aide me in a great race.
I also got some exciting news within the last couple of weeks. I'm not sure if I even mentioned it here since it's been so long since I blogged BUT even if I did I'm sure you won't mind me sharing the excitement again. I was selected as an Ambassador for Nuun hydration this year! I'm really excited to be able to share the Nuun love here on the blog, Twitter and Facebook book as well as the races I will be running the rest of this year. I love love love Nuun for hydration during my runs and after. They just released their new flavors. Watermelon may be my newest favorite! I just got my order yesterday and have gone through half a tube. Addict!!!
I think that's about it for news with me and what's been going on. I will say that I am ready for spring to really happen around these parts. We haven't had much snow (accumulation) but I am as ready as the rest of my running buddies to not be dealing with snow flying through the air, wind blowing my face and to not be wearing my winter running gear for a while! Bring on the warmth.
Also, stay tuned for my recaps of Run with Jess' JellyBean classic virtual race! I ran a 13.1 and a 3.1 but still need to get all the details down!
I hope you're having a great week!
Congrats on being a NUUN ambassador, that's awesome! So sorry that you fell. Hope all of you are 100% soon!