Haven't done this in a while and I'm lacking creativity (imagine that) tonight but want to get something posted. So, here goes...
1. I had a terrible run last night. Terrible. I suppose I was due one though. I started out feeling great, hitting my pace just right. 9:39 for the first mile. No problem. But the further I got the worse I felt. My stomach started cramping up and I felt sick. Luckily just around 2 miles there was a bathroom, so I stopped. Kept going and just was not finding my groove. I felt slow, stomach was angry and I was beginning to let it all get in my head. I wanted to get a 5 miler in. My pace for a 5 miler is right between 9:22-9:40 and I just wasn't hitting it. I ended up getting my miles in and my average pace was 9:53. At first I was mad because this was slower than my 15k from the weekend and that was frustrating. But like I said, I was due. I always say that the bad runs just mean I have a good one coming up or they make me appreciate running even more.
2. My running buddies are all away this weekend living the high life and racing it up in Napa Valley. They're running the Rangar Relay. You can follow their adventure on Facebook here or on Twitter here. I'm really excited for them (and can't wait to join them in Jan for Key West) but really am going to miss having my crew around for my Saturday long run.
3. I was doing well with my #PlankADay streak not long ago. I'm think I need to step it up and get back to my daily planks. There are probably several bloggers and lots of my Twitter pals doing these challenges so I should just force myself to jump on board. I had worked my way up to 3 min planks. It's time to refocus on my planking goals. That starts tomorrow!
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