I should have sat down and figured out my race schedule for 2012 in January but at that time all I had on my brain was the marathon. With the marathon behind me I have been able to look ahead to the rest of the year and consider some races I want to run. Below is a run down of this year and the races I have done or plan to do.
February - Strawberry Plains half marathon (2:10:31) PR by 9 minutes!
April - Covenant Health Knoxville marathon (4:58:33) My first 26.2!
Dogwood Classic 5k (26:35) a huge PR and took 2nd in my division!
May - KTC Expo 10k
June - Summer Solstice 8k or Amica Half marathon (leaning towards the 8k as it's a distance I've only done once.)
We are also doing a "fun run" with the running crew. Camping and a moonlight run in Cades Cove!
July - The Scream half marathon. This was is 2400 feet DOWN hill! They don't call it the scream for nothing!
August - Hotter N Hell 5k (I'd love a PR, if not a distance PR a course PR should be attainable. I completed last year in 31:05)
October - Allstate 13.1 Atlanta (Hoping for a PR on this one too. Last year I ran it in 2:23:03. My distance PR is 13 minutes faster. A course PR would be awesome but a distance PR would be amazing!!)
December - EPIC One Epic Run. It's a trail run, social and fun mostly. You have 24 hours to cover as much distance as you want. The loop is 3.6 miles (I think). My goal for the run is 30 miles or so then I can say that I am an ultra marathoner. We'll see. I'm doing it even if I only make marathon distance.
So far this is my schedule for the year. I really DO want another full marathon but with football season starting up already it looks like another marathon may not be in the books until January or some other time after the start of 2013. And of course my goal for the year and running is train smart and remain uninjured. This past weekend was the first time I haven't done a long run (or even ran) since last year sometime. It was weird but the rest was nice. However, I am ready to get back into my long runs. The long run are my favorite because even if the long run is 6 miles I still feel so accomplished at the end of the long run.
What races do you have planned for the remainder of 2012? Which runs and distance are your favorite?