1. Pumped Up Kicks - when I first heard that song by Foster the People I thought it was weird but that it could be catchy. Friends made comments on FB about how strange it was. I hadn't paid much attention to the lyrics other than the pumped up kicks part. I run so of course that makes me curious. I want my kicks to be pumped up so I can run fast. More and more people were blogging and making FB comments about the song and one comment in particular got my attention... "such a violent song," so I had to Google the lyrics. Um, yeah way violent. But I still like it. I noticed on my local station the other day that they bleep out the words bullet and gun. Anyway, I added it on iTunes last night to my running track. It's gonna aide in getting through some tough runs I just know it. haha
2. I'm still working on my September challenge info. You guys know I procrastinate but let me tell you where I stand... I AM logging my food every single day into MyFitnessPal. I am also following my Half Marathon Training Plan to a T. And I have done 2 kickin' strength workouts this week. I was hoping to fit in a 3rd but unless that happens on Saturday morning I likely won't make my goal of 3 weights workouts each week. Boo. But BUT at least I got those 2 in this week because last week I failed in that area. And I am not going to fail this month. Nope. Failure is not an option.
3. I had to take my kids shopping for pants/jeans last night because with the cooling temps I knew they couldn't go much longer in shorts and after cleaning closets and drawers realized they both only had 1 pair each they could fit. I do laundry almost daily (or hubby does) and even so we don't always have particular items washed/dried in time for school. So, shopping it was. One pair for the girl, none for the boy but we will work something out. Anyway, I saw some jeans I thought I might like...flared legs. I'm a bootcut girl but gave those a whirl. Then I went to the stack of my fave cut and grabbed the size smaller than the ones I had on. Holy Smokes, the came up, zipped and fit. Then I snapped a picture and by the time I got them off and hubby was walking towards me I tossed the jeans to him and said, "Check out the size of those!" Size 10 baby. Ahh. For a long time that has been my "goal size" and while they fit I am too cheap to spend the money on them. I will either go back and use the coupon that was in my bag later this week OR wait and use them as a post half marathon reward. Either way I was happy they fit.
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