Anyway, for the race recap....
The forecast scared me all week long. High's in the 60s but the lows... 34 for that morning. Brr.
I worried about getting my race outfit and gear just right for the temps especially since last year I overdressed. And as you know (if you read beforehand) that I was going to be sporting the awesome PINK Travel Skirt from Team Sparkle (check there often for my story!). I felt amazing in that pink sparkly skirt and do believe I am going to add one to my Christmas wish list. It had magic in it, ya know! And I of course turned lots of heads, had lots of fingers pointed my way... "Cute tutu!" and "Look at her cute skirt!" Who wouldn't feel amazing?! I mean... LOOK at me!
My hubby and I left the house around 6am or so.
Pre race photos! It was still dark and very early, but we are smiling. And my hubby wore a pink shirt for the first time in the 12 years we have been together! :)
I ran in memory of my Nana.
Hubby and I had a little pre-race warm up. We both felt really great. I really thought the cold air would bother my lungs espeically since I had not done as much outdoor running (in the cold) as I had planned to prior to the race. But I was surprised that I felt great, minus a bit of jittery nerves!
Here I am just before the start.
I suppose I could have smiled but I didn't want to look obvious. haha
At exactly 8:30am the horn sounded and we were off.
I felt really good. I didn't start off too terribly fast since there were so many people. My only real problem was the SLOW people in front of me and trying to dodge my way through/around them. Hubby and I were side by side for the start and I had hoped to stay that way at least for the first mile, but there were these two women in front of me moving much slower than I was. I couldn't go around either of them because of the people beside me. I tried my best to go through them, edging closer to them, trying to squeeze through (I had room!) and even saying excuse me, but the closer I got the closer they squeezed together. I finally just say, "Geez!!!" and ran around them quickly only to almost be stopped by a couple of WALKERS! That was the only negative part of the first mile. I ran the entire first mile and when I looked at my watch I saw 8:47 and thought to myself that I would most definitely make the first mile marker at under 10 minutes. However, once I rounded the corner and came to the end of the hill where the marker was my watch had already reached 10:20, which was still a good pace for me. I kept going telling myself that I would make it a point to hit mile two at 20 minutes (wishful thinking).
At mile marker 2 I was at 21 minutes, which was still right on pace for where I wanted to be. I grabbed a cup of water at the first water station but really only stuck my tongue in the cup because I didn't want to stop or slow down to drink it. So, I tossed it in the trash and kept moving along. I don't really know what my thought process was through mile two other than I felt a cramp in my right calf. I walked about 10 seconds but picked right back up to running.
There was a "friend" (who ran this race with me last year) there as well. She started behind me but by mile 2 was closer to me. My goal was to not let the fact that in my last race she sort of made me feel as though she was hoping to beat me and/or compete against me. This began to mess with my head as the night before she text me questioning about the race. First of all, I run for ME! Any competing I do with my running is AGAINST MYSELF. I don't like feeling as though a "friend" is hoping to beat my time or compete against me. I felt as though she was thinking that since I have continued running for months and she hadn't it was her goal to prove her running was better than mine and finishing before me would make her feel better. I don't know. I didn't like.
At any rate, she approached me at some point during mile 2 and I of course, smiled. She made conversation that her inhaler didn't work or she didn't have it. I noted that my right calf was crampy and that (I really need to go deal with a tummy issue but by golly I was meeting my goal!). And with that she slowed and I sped up. A hill of bricks was ahead of me and I was determined to not walk it like I had last year. And I didn't. I kept trucking along as bystanders were yelling, "You go girl! You are almost there! Don't stop!" And soon enough I rounded the corner to the downhill finish.
As I looked at my watch, I knew that hubby had to be done as 31 minutes had past. I came under a bridge where a group of acapella singers were singing to finishers and I knew from last year's race I didn't have far at all to go and that a PR was mine! I booked it only to see my "friend" pass me but because there were so many runners finishing at the same time it was hard to speed up much as the path narrowed and there just wasn't much room to move sideways. So, I kept my swift pace and tried desperately to get a good view of the finishing clock, but the sun.. oh the sun! It was bright and even though I had my sunglasses on I couldn't see it until I was actually crossing the line.
I set a personal record!
6 minutes faster than last year!!!
I wanted to cry, I wanted to find my hubby and hug him so big.
I love that he snapped this picture of me at the end even if I do look weird.
This is one of my proudest post race moments. I accomplished something I had not done before.
I said over and over on the way to the car, "I am so proud of myself. I did what I came to do."
Here are a couple of more post race pics. I love that my hubby runs *with* me. I always say with me and then add, even though he finishes before me. He's so silly that he reminds me each time that I am catching up with him. He finished in 31:06. I am so proud of him, too. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have by my side when I start a race. One of these days I am going to finish right beside him, too. Wait and see, I have goals for my