Monday, October 18, 2010

>The dietitan said...

>I posted last week that I was meeting with the dietitian at my gym. I did that Friday morning.
I journaled everything I ate all last week so that I could show her exactly what my week is like in that department. I also wrote down my workouts so she could compare that to the calories I am eating. At first glance she said it appears I am not eating enough. I'm missing a bit of fat and carbs as well as a bit shy of my caloric goal for the day. So, this could be why the halt in my weight loss.

So, in the hour I was there what did we discuss?
~ my goals
~ my "new" (improved) eating plan
~ how to change up my workout

When I first got there she had me get on what is called the InBody 320 Body Composition Analysis. This was the first time I had ever had one done (and I know some people do not belive this to be an accurate measurement) and was impressed, not just with the machine but the numbers. I won't go completely into detail of the numbers but my weight was the same range I have been seeing on my home scale (home scale that morning was 176!). So, I was happy for that! And even more happy because I am more lean muscle mass than I am fat! Happy Dance! :)

Now, the machine had my goal weight at 134.7 BUT I told the H that I would be happy to just lose 30 lbs. She agreed that was a good place so we decided for now my goal would be to lose 30 lbs in the course of another year (or longer if it takes).  For now the goal is to lose between 8 and 17 lbs over the next 6 months. At first when she told me this I looked at her and said, "But..but...." I mean really I want to get below where I currently am much fast than that rate (I am too lazy and mathematically challenged to do the exact math! haha) but H reminded me that slow weight loss is the best weight loss because you can keep it off. AND she also reminded me that the holidays are upon on and she wants me to focus more on maintaining through the holidays rather than trying to lose and missing out on the things I love about the holidays. But she did say that (obviously) there is no reason to completely gorge out on the things I love and gain through the holidays. So, I accepted the "challenge" of losing between 8-17 lbs between now and April (which also happens to be the month I want to run a half marathon...hmmm).

So, what changed as far as my eating goes?
Not a whole lot. She hates the word "diet" as much as the rest of us and reminded me that "dieting" is not the way to look at this but it is (what I have know it is) a healthy way of eating/living. She says I have quite a handle on things so we are just going to tweek it. She gave me a book that is given to diabetic patients (no I am not diabetic or even prediabetic). It's just a basic rule of thumb for healthy eating which can aide in weight loss. I'm game. However, last night when I was sitting down to make my meal plans and journal I was confused! haha Imagaine that?! I *think* I finally got things going well enough to make it through today and each day will get easier. I really didn't have a whole lot to change other than making sure the numbers all line up. Since she compared my journal with the book and made me some sample meal plans that will make this all the more easy for me. Again, it is nothing I didn't already know but I am glad to have talked with her to see just where I might be falling short. I will go back to see H in 3 months. Hopefully I will see results of some kind.

The workouts.
I did mention to her that I am running (3-4 days a week) and recently added the BodyPump classes 2-3 times a week. This is good but really it is not good enough. Those are my words not hers. She did say I could add another class of a different type. She also said adding more weight training days would be good and of course even adding a couple of sessions with a personal trainer might be beneficial. I am still undecided on the PT option because I feel like the hubby can write me up a few good kettlebell routines to get me headed in the right direction. We shall see.

The most exciting part of Friday for me was seeing 176 on my home scales and knowing that (sans clothes) the InBody would have had the same reading. My goal for this week is to journal journal journal and get more familiar with the book she gave me, add some more weights and run! My RACE FOR THE CURE is now less than 2 weeks away! 
Ok, this post was long so if you stuck it out..thanks for reading!! And don't forget to enter my  Run Like a Mother - the book Giveaway!!