Somethings I've come to realize this week are:
- I am not as young as I use to be. Staying up until 1 am or later is not a good idea when you have to be up for work the next morning.
- Lack of sleep makes it hard to get motivated for exercise.
- Caffiene after 5 pm is not a good idea (if caffiene is really ever a good idea anyway).
- Something about the way we fix or the way I eat turkey tacos messes my body up and causes a gain on the scale.
- I need new running shoes but it seems too soon. 300 miles? I had hoped to get a bit more on this pair.
I listed all of that to say that basically the lack of sleep I have been getting this week has made me feel like I couldn't get much done. I have not ran much this week or even been to the gym to workout. Stress and a lack of sleep just didn't provide me a lof of energy this week. Hence the running on empty feeling!
Workouts for the week were-
7.25 miles/58:29 min on the elliptical
4.5 miles/47:15 on the treadmill
Two days of gym time. Not good especially when my running goal for the week is 15 miles. Sigh. The positive is that I DID do something. :)
I have a race tomorrow, a 5k. So, tonight the family and I are headed to GA to stay with family so hubby and I can get up and run in the morning. I am excited. This particular 5k is where my running began 2 years ago. I finished the same race in 2008 with a time of 48:59 which is most definitely not something to ever brag about. After life took a bit of a toll on me I put away my running shoes and forgot about my gym membership until about April of last year when I started C25K all over again. July of 2009 I finished the same race with a time of 43:34. Again, not really worthy of bragging about but I had lost a bit of weight and shaved nearly 5 minutes off my time from the previous year. Last year is when the running really became a real part of my life (and hubby's) so this weekend I am very anxious to see how my time improves. My last 5k time (and PR) is 33:43 which is almost 10 minutes faster than my time for this particular race last year. It is a very fast and flat course with a good portion of the first mile being downhill. I feel confident that I can at least get it done within 33 minutes. My goal is 31-32 but as always anything under 33:43 would be a new 5k PR and that would make me very happy. The temperature for tomorrow morning is going to be about 79 degrees with the heat index making it feel more like 84. Hot and icky.
that is it for me for now. It's almost 5pm and the clock stops then! haha
Have a great weekend! Be sure to check back for a full race report!