Tuesday, April 20, 2010

>I found my mojo.

>I posted last week about switching my current "plan" of SparkPeople and just being cautious of my eating out for Weight Watchers (not meetings but flying solo). Well, it seems to be just what my body needed. I have gone from 192 to 187 in just a matter of about a week. I could not be happier.

Actually, I could be happier. Happier with the number on the scale, but since it is finally tipping in the direction I have longed for it to tip I am going to sit back and be patient. Or at least attempt to be patient! Patience is not one of my stronger characteristics.

I now have 9 weeks until summer vacation. If I could get my body to lose 2 lbs a week, I would be sitting at 169 lbs. That would be the lightest weight I will have been in the last 7 years. I could possibly turn a cartwheel (which still wouldn't be pretty) if that was the case! Yes, I DO realize that we all hit a plateau. Yes, I DO realize there may be a week I fluctuate up a little. But at the same time, I DO realize this goal is completely obtainable with a little lot of hard work and determination. And that I have quite a bit of right now.

I feel that before I was being sto strict during the week and not allowing myself any cheats except for on the weekends. During the weekends we kind of went overboard with what we ate and come Monday I was right back where I started the week before. Well, since starting this WW thing that has NOT been the case. I do not feel restricted at all. I am still making healthy choices though. 3-4 veggies a day, 3 fruits a day, plenty of protein and starches/carbs in limited quantaties. Not bad.

So, all in all I feel really good about my recent decision to start following WW.