>It's the 6th day of April and as promised yesterday, I am here to discuss my goals for this month.
I had to consider a few factors that have come into play when thinking about my April goals, such as my husband's track schedule, my Girl Scout schedule, and work. That being said the 5k race I had hope to run this month will be put on hold. I had originally hoped to run at least 5 races just this year but with my husband's track schedule, some family things and some Girl Scout events I just won't be able to do that because I cannot find a way to make myself appear in two places at one time. *sigh*
I have not given up on my running and having a running goal this month. You see, I purchased a book some fellow runners had suggested. And I have already finished reading the first chapter (I got my book yesterday!). So, I plan to let this book be my guide to improving my running. I am liking what I have read so far and it makes a lot of sense.The next chapter is entitled "Realistic Goals." I am looking very forward to getting into that!

I had hoped to meet a certain scale goal in the month of March and as you may have read I missed it by a pound. Was I disappointed? Of course, but I didn't let it get me down. It helped me realize that maybe I don't need to set a scale/number goal for the month of April. I have a number in mind that I would like to reach before the end of April but since we are already 6 days in and I only have 24 to go I am not positive I'd reach that number and going two months without reaching the number on the scale I had hoped for might get me down. So, if I had to say that I was making any number goal for April I would have to tell you that I'd be happy with a 5-7 pound loss. :)
Food wise, I know that there is always room for improvement with me. One thing my husband and I did at the start of this month was to eliminate aspertame/artificial sweetener. We both were guilty of consuming too many diet drinks (and yogurt for me) containing aspertame. He was sent an email (that he then sent to me!) about an article regarding aspertame. I had *heard* how bad for you it is but just brushed it off. After reading the article we both decided to try and drop the habit and see if we noticed any changes. I will admit that we did end up buying some Diet Coke w/Splenda to get the caffiene fix we needed. I have yet to drink a whole can though! For me that is a huge victory. I have recently swapped my regular lite full of awful stuff yogurt for the strained greek variety. Let me tell you, this is a swap that is going to take some time getting use to for sure. I loved my other brand of yogurt so much. The greek strained stuff is a lot like sour cream and is a very different texture that what I would tend to chose. I have also started getting in more green/leafy veggies and more raw veggies. Little changes can lead to big changes, right!?
I've always kind of struggled with making goals. I feel silly making goals because so many times in the past I have not achieved the goals I set. Sure, I have worked hard at achieving them and getting anywhere close to succeeding is better than doing nothing at all, right!?
Ok, so what exactly do I have planned for my April goals??
1. Read "Run Less, Run Faster" and follow the program for running
2. Food journal - wirte it all down!!
3. Weigh once per week (2 if I just can't help it, which I struggle with - lol)
4. Add more miles, but not just with running...biking and elliptical will be added as cross training.
5. Weights. I need to use them. I want to tone my arms and abs a bit before hitting the beach in June!
There ya have it! Goals. 24 days to get close to being successful!