Tuesday, March 16, 2010


>and before you ask...

NO I am not talking about miles.
I haven't gotten that good with my run quite yet! I hope to one day though.

For now I am talking pounds.
12.6 is the number of pounds I have lost since I started this blog in September.
That may not seem like a very high number to many of you but for me it is huge.

I have been slacking in the department of motivation so much lately.
I have done 2 things this week to pick up my motivation.

1. I ordered a new swimsuit in a size smaller yesterday.
My hope is that when it comes I can hang it so that I see it every day and am reminded that I only have 95 days until we leave for our beach vacation. Only 95 days to get my butt, thighs and gut in shape to look the way I want when I wear that new swim suit on the beach this summer!

2. I went back to my very first post on this blog.
There I found that I was 203.6 when I started writing this blog. That means that since September I have shed 12.6 pounds from my body! Seeing that number gave me hope that I can shed another 12.6 pounds and then some all on my own!

I do also find motivation, inspiration and hope in reading your blogs as well as the comments you leave me here. So to you I say thanks. Keep writing blogs and comment when you can! I read them all!